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Paine laid down his pen in genuine surprise. "Explain yourself," he said. So Halbert told the story once more, taking good care to make the damage quite as great as it was. "That is very strange," said the lawyer, thoughtfully. "I can't conceive how such damage could have happened to the boat." "Robert Rushton don't know how to manage a boat." "You are mistaken. He understands it very well.

Are they both yours?" Stawarth Bolton had reason to put the question, for Halbert Glendinning, the elder of the two, had hair as dark as the raven's plumage, black eyes, large, bold, and sparkling, that glittered under eyebrows of the same complexion; a skin deep embrowned, though it could not be termed swarthy, and an air of activity, frankness, and determination, far beyond his age.

'No, added he, 'I will await my fate; for the God of those who trust in him knows that I do not fear! "Having received such peremptory orders from the earl, I took my leave; and entering the chapel by the way he directed, was agreeably surprised to find the worthy Halbert, whom, never having seen since the funeral obsequies, I supposed had fallen during the carnage in the state-chamber.

But the greater part of the regiment made its stand behind a wall which surrounded a house belonging to the Marquess of Athol. This wall, which had two or three days before been hastily repaired with timber and loose stones, the soldiers defended desperately with musket, pike, and halbert.

"The widow Rushton's son?" "Yes; he's a low scoundrel," said Halbert bitterly. "What made him break it?" "He struck me with it hard enough to break it, and then threw the pieces on the ground. I wouldn't mind it so much if he were not a low factory boy, unworthy of a gentleman's attention." "How dared he touch you?" asked Mrs. Davis, angrily. "Oh, he's impudent enough for anything.

They recalled Roland to a sense of the duty which he had well-nigh forgotten, but they did not reach his ears only. "The Queen where is the Queen?" said Halbert Glendinning, who, followed by two or three horsemen, appeared at this instant.

"She has my brother Edward," said Halbert, turning suddenly from her. "She has indeed," said Mary Avenel, "the calm, the noble-minded, the considerate Edward, who has thy courage, Halbert, without thy fiery rashness, thy generous spirit, with more of reason to guide it.

"You may well call her your protection, Sir Knight" said Halbert; "by Saint Andrew, it is the only sensible word I have heard you speak! But we may meet where her protection shall no longer afford you shelter."

What was the surprise of Halbert Glendinning, when, upon arriving at the fatal spot, he saw no appearance of the body of Sir Piercie Shafton! The traces of the fray were otherwise sufficiently visible.

Owing to these reasons, Halbert Glendinning, who had resisted and repelled the arguments of the preacher, was forcibly struck by the firmness of his demeanour in the dispute with Julian Avenel.