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"Azazel! goat destined for misery and expiation, I lay upon your hairy back the remorse of my friend Elias Hirsch, and I send you down to the spirits of darkness!" Then, passing round the ledge on which we stood, I descended to the next below to catch the goat and throw him over. A sacred rage and fury seemed to possess me. I took no notice of the abyss.

'Come, then, Di! Dear Di! Make friends with your new mistress. Let us love each other, Di!'said Florence, fondling his shaggy head. And Di, the rough and gruff, as if his hairy hide were pervious to the tear that dropped upon it, and his dog's heart melted as it fell, put his nose up to her face, and swore fidelity.

Perhaps after all he did not really feel as ferocious as he pretended; and to tell the truth might have been sorry if Hugh had sided with him, so that war was declared upon the hairy invader of the shack. "How'll we get him out of there?" he proceeded to ask. "If he knows a good thing when he tastes it you bet he won't be in any hurry to leave."

From an aperture near the summit of the lofty escarpment a hairy figure emerged the head and shoulders first and fierce eyes scanned the cliff side in every direction. It was Es-sat, the chief.

For these reasons I think that the fact that the hairless dog of tropical America has not interbred with the common form, and regained its hairy coat, is in favour of the inference that the variety has been produced by natural and not by artificial selection.

Those sometimes met with are the species of tarantula known as the hairy spider, the spider known as guava, and the blue spider, also the scorpion and the centipede. Their sting produces intense pain, inflammation and fever. They are found in crevices, under stones, in caves, and in rotten wood.

Then, with this adjusted, he was introduced to something else a something held close under his nose. He smelled this carefully; noted that it reeked with odors of the stable; smelled it again. Next he knew it was being placed gently upon his back. It was soft, and quite hairy, and though it irritated him a little, he accepted it without loss of composure.

Then men in office came made a way through the crowd, and I got near: so near, that my foolish curiosity lifted up the sail, and I beheld what had been Julian. O, sickening sight: for all which the pistol had spared of that swart and hairy face, had been preyed upon by birds and fishes!

"Next he watched a figure, brown, hairy and lurid the figure of some huge monkey come crawling into the room on all-fours, and followed each of its tell-tale movements as, sidling up to its sleeping victim, it suddenly hurled itself at him, choking him to death with its long fingers. "This was the climax Tristram saw no more.

The city in the distance moaned and complained and the hills were full of fear. In one of his profound lapses of slumber a hairy paw felt of Kenkenes' face. Later a drifting boat nosed about among the reeds at the water's edge. Presently one of the crew cried out, and a second voice said: "Nay, fear not; it is an ape, by the feel of him. Toth is with us. It is a good omen; let him not go forth."