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A wild figure this, great and hairy of head and with the arms and shoulders of a very giant; bedight was he in good link-mail, yet foul with dirt and mire and spattered with blood from heel to head, and in one great hand he griped still the fragment of a reddened sword. All a-sweat was he, and bleeding from the hair, while his mighty chest heaved and laboured with his running.

"'I certainly will, says he, and bimeby he cried because I looked so like his father, who was just the same kind of short, thick-set, hairy kind of person I was. "Then my poor little deer-eyed woman come back with a roll of cotton-battin'; at the same minute Number Three pulled in.

When he came around in front and the old horse put out his long neck and began rubbing against him, Diamond saw it could be no other than old Diamond and he just put his arms around his neck and cried. "Isn't it jolly, father!" he said. "Was there ever anybody so lucky as we! Dear old Diamond!" He hugged the horse again and kissed both his big, hairy cheeks.

I looked in the direction the girls were pointing, and there I saw a large orang-outan some fifty feet below us. He kept dauntlessly gazing up at us, as if doubting whether he should venture to approach. He was a big hairy monster, with a black coat and a light-coloured face, with enormous feet and hands, almost the height of a man.

Ammophila, on the jaws of. Ammotragus tragelaphus, hairy forelegs of. Amphibia, affinity of, to the ganoid fishes; vocal organs of the. Amphibians, breeding whilst immature. Amphioxus. Amphipoda, males sexually mature while young. Amunoph III., negro character of, features of. Anal appendages of insects. Analogous variation in the plumage of birds. Anas. Anas acuta, male plumage of.

At last he succeeded his great muscles tensed and knotted beneath his smooth hide as he forced with every ounce of his mighty strength to push the hairy torso from him.

"I've got a tidy bit o' prize-money left somewhere, enough to take me back to England, and mayhap a bit over, to keep me out of the workhouse when I gets there." He put his hands into his hairy bosom and drew out a small canvas bag, which he shook out upon the coverlid of the bed.

The whole matter is very simple, and comprised in a nut-shell. The only difficulty in the way is the loss of time consequent upon the raising of this hairy crop. It is plain, in fact, that you must take a shorter way; you must purchase what you haven't time to grow.

I was now determined on action, and seating myself on the sofa I drew her onto my lap with her face towards me and my knees between her thighs. I let down my trousers, raised my shirt and directed my lance towards her rubicond opening. I soon felt it come in contact with her hairy slit.

If Jerry hadn't gone to work and hid it away, I might have downed all the game that's come into this camp," he said, looking upon the black, hairy beast with a shudder, for he had had quite a severe fright while swaying to and fro with an angry bear beneath waiting for him to drop, like a ripe persimmon, as Jerry afterwards described it. "Jerry?" shouted Will, in blank amazement.