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But I continued calmly for though I never dispute, I do most always maintain my opinion and I sez again calmly, "There has been a great change in you for the better, sense you come here, Miss Pixley. But some on't I lay to your bein' where things are so much more cheerful and happyfyin'. You say you haint heerd a strain of music except a base viol for over 14 years before you come here.

There were not more than a dozen sailors on deck, and most of these appeared to be asleep. "Be these all the fellers you-uns hev got?" asked the man. "What's the use of having any more?" replied Archie. "There's no danger here." "That's so," was the answer; "I haint seed a rebel round for more 'n six months, dog-gone if I hev."

The others referred this point by a silent look to Squire Gaylord. "I don't know;" said the Squire, "as I ever heard that a great deal of morality was required by a newspaper editor." The rest laughed at the joke, and the Squire continued: "But I guess if he worked his own way through college, as they say, that he haint had time to be up to a great deal of mischief.

"First place, I haint no idea what they're worth. Next place, if I had, I wouldn't take it, for I don't want any shortage in Cap's accounts. Thirdly, if I took the money I'd like as not set into a game o' poker tonight and lose it, and then where'd I be, and where'd Cap be? I've been having monstrous hard luck at poker lately."

"What is his name?" asked the boy, deeming it only right that he should be fully armed with this much information before starting in to interview the other. "Mars Kim, fuh sho'! Dat's wat we allers calls him, boss. Reckons, as how yuh haint gut sech a ting as some terbaccy 'bout yuh, now? I'se done clean out." Maurice shook his head in the negative.

They'd better trust to getting away from the grand jury than from them." But as the Deputy Provost went over them more carefully he found more that were "wanted" by the civil authorities, and presently had selected 25 very evil-looking fellows, whose arrest would have been justified on general appearances. "Haint we bit off more'n we kin chaw.

" sez I coldly, "you say there haint no sech thing as a gost, what are you afraid on?" His teeth wuz fairly chatterin'. "Oh! there might be spiders there, or mice, it haint best to go." I turned silently round and started on, for my companion's looks was pitiful in the extreme.

I likes ye, in course, but I'm only a leetle gal, an' I haint keerin' fer any one ... thet erway. I ... I don't enjoy fer ter hyar yo' say sech words ter me now, Juddy." "I reckon yo'r right, an' I shouldn't hev told ye yet, Rose," answered the man, almost humbly. "I kin bide my time, but I wants ye ter know thet I feels es I does.

Jack says you got some money left, but I don't understand it. He says he made a 'investment' fer ye and tribbled the money. I haint never axed him no questions. Hit was betwixt you an' him, an' 'twant none o' my business long as you an' him air goin' to marry.

"You have driven away several of my best customers, and now, confound you, I am going to have your life," and he took up a cheese knife and began to sharpen it on his boot. "What's the gurgle matter," asked the choking boy, as the grocery man's fingers let up on his throat a little, so he could speak. "I haint done nothin."