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And I sez to her, "The Bible sez that it hain't agoin' to be revealed to angels even, or to the Son himself, but only to the Father when that great day shall be." And sez I to Trueman's wife, sez I, "How should you be expected to know it?" Sez she, with that same collected together haughty look to her, "My name wuzn't mentioned, I believe, amongst them that wuzn't to know it!"

"I should think, Samantha Allen, in such a time as this, you would act like a rational bein'. I'll be hanged if I know what side to go on to get elected!" Says I, "Josiah Allen, hain't you got any principle? Don't you know what side you are on?" "Why, yes, I s'pose I know as near as men in gineral. I'm a Democrat in times of peace. But it is human nater, to want to be on the side that beats."

When she gits to rantin' about anythin' I've done ur hain't done all I got to do to shet 'er up is to start to tell 'er some'n somebody's has said about somebody else, an' she gits 'er cheer. So I try to keep a stock o' things on hand. Clem Dill's afeerd o' Mis' Dawson now.

"Squire Green, I haven't got but two dollars laid by." "Two dollars!" repeated the squire, frowning. "That ain't honest. You knew the note was comin' due, and you'd oughter have provided ten dollars, at least." "I've done as much as I could. I've wanted to meet the note, but I couldn't make money, and I earned all I could." "You hain't been equinomical," said the squire, testily.

I just grabbed the fust job that come along, good, bad, or indifferent always kept doing something. You can look for a bird in the bush quite well when you've got one in the hand as when you hain't. To be sure I wasn't as squeamish as you are. I'd jumped at the offer you had this afternoon; but I reckon I'd taken toll too often to be very profitable.

Bulls hain't spozed to have immortal souls, and think how America pays two men made in the image of God so much an hour high wages, too to beat and pound and maim and kill each other for the amusement of a congregation of Christian men and wimmen, who set and applaud and howl with delight when a more cruel blow than common fells one on 'em to the earth.

Presently the major returned and said, in a cautious whisper: "If yeh hear anythin', you come a-runnin', will yeh?" "Well, I hain't got no gun nor nuthin'," said Peter, in the same low tone; "what good 'ud I do?" "Well, yeh might come along with me an' watch," said the major. "Four eyes is better'n two." "If I had a gun " began Peter.

Her ways isn't my ways, dat's all I says, and I hain't recustomed to bein' brung up so sharp roun' de corners as is her way ter do." "Tain't ter be 'spected," said Dolf. "Mebby 'tis and mebby 'tisn't," returned Clorinda; "I only says I ain't recustomed to it, dat's all." "But what do yer tinks happened ter her ter put 'em all in sich a to-do?" questioned Victoria.

"Yes, but you needn't go into no more details that's the one, and I'm in a hurry. Where did you see him?" "I hain't seen him at all," the man says. "Hain't seen him at all? How can you describe him so close, then?" "Because when a person knows how to use his eyes, everything has got a meaning to it; but most people's eyes ain't any good to them.

"What radiancy of glory, what bliss beyond compare." But I knowed that singin' that time of day would be apt to draw attention, specially as Josiah's singin' wuz very base and my sulferino hain't what it wuz, and I hastened to say: "Yes, Josiah, I want to go."