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It is part of the region over-ranged by the hunting-party of Hagen's devising. The horns of the hunters are heard in the distance, Siegfried's horn-call among them, and Hagen's. Our old acquaintances, the Rhine-daughters, rise to the surface of the water. They have warning or scent that Siegfried is not far, with the Ring, their stolen gold.

"Cass," muttered Crane to himself; "but that's impossible he never left the bank that day; there's some devilish queer mistake here." Farrell had identified David Cass in the bank as the man who had bet with him, while the clerk asserted that one "Billy" Cass had made the same wager. Hagen's description of "Billy" Cass fitted David Cass in a general way.

Then Hagen's fingers were pushing Odin's face back and Odin was clutching at Hagen's throat. They stood there swaying. Then they tumbled down the rude stairway of tables that Ato had fashioned for his last stand. They rolled to the blood-stained floor beneath. And Odin never knew how either of them survived the fall. The lights hovered above them, waiting for an opening.

The valiant men of Troneg, also, wrought dire woe, when in great numbers the armies met. Bold Hagen's hand did many a one to death; of this full many stories might be told here in the Burgundian land. Sindolt and Hunolt, Gernot's men, Rumolt the brave, have done such deeds that it may well ever rue Liudeger that he made war upon thy kinsmen by the Rhine.

Dankwart, Hagen's brother, the doughty knight, sprang from his lordings' side to meet the foes without the door. All weened that he were dead, yet forth he stood again unscathed. The furious strife did last till nightfall brought it to a close. As befitted good knights, the strangers warded off King Etzel's liegemen the livelong summer day. Ho, how many a bold knight fell doomed before them!

"Then we can go to the city?" Gunnar exclaimed with a joyful war-whoop. "To kill, and kill, and kill " "You are right," Ato admitted. "Delay will only increase Grim Hagen's advantage. To the city as fast as we can " Val and his men had brought along enough of the umbrella-shaped defenses to get them through the barrier. They held a short council of war.

That is Hagen's counsel, that ye may be found ready, as beseemeth you." Folker and Hagen went and stood before the great minster. They did this, that the queen might be forced to push past them. Right grim was their mood. Then came the king and his beautiful wife. Her body was adorned with rich apparel, and the knights in her train were featly clad.

On the other hand, the King of Tydor, persisting in his oriental hatred towards the rival potentate in the other island, allowed the Portuguese to build additional citadels, and generally to strengthen their positions within his dominions. Thus when Cornelius Sebastian, with his division of Ver Hagen's fleet, arrived in the Moluccas in the summer of 1605, he found plenty of work prepared for him.

"Dankwart" is not an historical character nor one that belonged to the early form of the legend. Boer considers him to be Hagen's double, invented to play a part that would naturally fall to Hagen's share, were he not otherwise engaged at the moment.

Hagen brews him a magic potion, by virtue of which he forgets all his former life, and his previous love for Brünnhilde is swallowed up in a burning passion for Gutrune. He quickly agrees to Hagen's proposal, and assuming the form of Gunther by means of the Tarnhelm, he departs once more for Brünnhilde's rock.