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"Olaf, mine zon, haf ve comed all dis vay from over yonder to be ordered about mit dis man? Let's show 'im dot ve means to do as ve likes here. Come on!" And, whipping out the remains of his sheath knife, he gathered himself together for a spring upon me, with one eye on Svorenssen meanwhile, in full expectation that the latter would back him up. But I was fully prepared.

It was bleak and barren, and precipitous in places, where the hills seemed to rise directly from the lake's edge. Nothing moved there, and a single glance told him that the land trail on that side was an impossibility. He looked at his companion. "Dey haf not yet arrive," said Bènard, answering his unspoken question. "Dey camp in zee woods for zee night." "If Chief George lied "

"As he came up to me in the train where I was sitting with a friend, I said, 'Well, I sold a bill. "'Who bought of you? "'The clothing man here. "'Vell, dot's de feller, said Henry, 'dot told me he vas going to haf von day in de year for his family. And you solt him? Vell, how did you do id? "I briefly told Henry of my experience. "'Vell, dot vas goot, said he.

"No, I haf not found it. I haf never been in this wood till now," said the princess. "You haven't been in this wood! But it's the home wood the jolliest part of the estate," cried the Terror in the liveliest surprise. "And there are two paths straight into it from the gardens." "But I stay always in the gardens," said the princess sedately.

For a moment, after they had comprehended the situation to which Jimmy had called their attention, they were all silent. Then Iggy caused another laugh by remarking. "Well, I eat me now. I haf some of my rations and I hear where is water running yet. Always in our countries where is a mill is water. Of a dryness I am, and water is good for of a dryness."

And I, vith my bag on my back, I creep downstair and out by the back again, and I ron and ron and then I valks. Gott! how I haf walked! I vos so frightened! And then, at last, I go to a policeman and gif 'myself op!" Barney stopped. The tears burst from his eyes and laying his grimy face on his arm, he sobbed. The detective patted him on the back.

I can well recall his contemptuous imitation of the manner of the request. "You haf so many islands; why could you not give us some?" I asked Hay what he had replied. With a somewhat grim smile he answered: "I told him: 'Not an island not one!"

"And so vas he ven he come home," said Farmer Weitbreck; "he make dat ve all laugh and laugh, like notings ever vas before, never before he open his mouth to speak; he vas like at funeral all times, night and day. But now he seem full of joy. It is de most strange ting as I haf seen in my life." "I do not think so, father," said John. "I do not wonder he was glad to be rid of his burden."

The woman stared a moment and then asked, "You Miss Schoslin?" "Yes, and I hope you will let me do something, for I fear you've been up all night and must be very tired." "I'm shust dead; not von vink of schleep haf I had all der night. He shust cry und cry, and vat I do I don't know. I fear he die. Der fader gone for der doctor, but he die 'fore dey gets here. Schee, he getten gold now."

So young, so sad, thus alone in the world; who ever heard of such a fate? "But there were people who came with you in the ship?" said John. "There is some one who knows who you are, I suppose." "No, no von dat knows," replied the newcomer. "Haf done vid too much questions," interrupted Farmer Weitbreck. "I haf him asked all. He stays till harvest be done. He can vork.