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'Bill, he ses, very earnest, 'I want you to do me a favour. "'Go ahead, I ses. "'I've got to meet a pal at Charing Cross at ha'-past seven, he ses; 'and we're going to make a night of it. I've left Winnie in charge o' the cook, and I've told 'im plain that, if she ain't there when I come back, I'll skin 'im alive. Now, I want you to watch 'er, too.

He was a bit nervous at fust, for fear anybody should find out that 'e wasn't a real Zulu, because the manager said they'd tear 'im to pieces if they did, and eat 'im arterwards, but arter a time 'is nervousness wore off and he jumped about like a monkey. They gave performances every arf hour from ha'-past six to ten, and Rupert felt ready to drop.

It was nine o'clock when he went, and at ha'-past nine Ginger began to get impatient and wondered wot 'ad 'appened to 'im, and when ten o'clock came and no Isaac they was both leaning out of the winder with blankets over their shoulders looking up the road. By eleven o'clock Peter was in very low spirits and Ginger was so mad 'e was afraid to speak to 'im.

The world is full of officious, interfering busy-bodies. I should no more think of posting a letter that didn't belong to me, with an unused stamp on it, than I should think o' flying; but some meddle-some son of a a gun posted that letter and I got it. I was never more surprised in my life. He asked me to be outside the shop next night at ha'-past eleven with any old clothes I could pick up.

"Dersay you could, if you could hold on." "I should like to try." "Go along with you!" "But I should. Will you let me try!" Peter shook his head, and began to examine his half-worn broom. "I could hold on. Let me go with you next time!" "Oh, but I go at ha'-past six, hours before you're awake. Young gents don't get up till eight." "Why, I always wake at a quarter to six," said Dexter.

We talked all night pretty near, and then, at ha'-past five, arf an hour afore the 'ands came on, I made up my mind to fetch a cab and drive 'em to my 'ouse. I wanted Rupert to go somewhere else, but 'e said he 'ad got nowhere else to go, and it was the only thing to get 'em off the wharf.

I remember 'im getting up at four o'clock one morning to cut a man's leg off, and at ha'-past three the chap was sitting up aloft with four pairs o' trousers on and a belaying-pin in his 'and. One chap I knew, Joe Summers by name, got so sick o' work one v'y'ge that he went mad. Not dangerous mad, mind you. Just silly.

She went down and tidied herself up not that it made much difference to 'er and, arter patting him on the arm and giving me a stare that would ha' made most men blink, she took herself off. I was pretty busy that evening. Wot with shifting lighters from under the jetty and sweeping up, it was pretty near ha'-past seven afore I 'ad a minute I could call my own.

They spent the rest o' that day 'anging out of the winder, but it was not till ha'-past four in the after-noon that Isaac, still wearing Peter's clothes and carrying a couple of large green plants under 'is arm, turned into the road, and from the way 'e was smiling they thought it must be all right.

She went down and tidied herself up not that it made much difference to 'er and, arter patting him on the arm and giving me a stare that would ha' made most men blink, she took herself off. I was pretty busy that evening. Wot with shifting lighters from under the jetty and sweeping up, it was pretty near ha'-past seven afore I 'ad a minute I could call my own.