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Once as he stood at the carriage door, the rug over his arm, waiting for Miss Connie to descend the steps for her afternoon drive, an impudent little "Canuck" jeered at him in passing. "Hello, Hinglish!" he yelled. "We're a Barnardo boy, we h'is, fer all our swell brass buttons." Buck winced. How he hated Watkins on the box to hear this everlasting taunt cast at him.

"I don't never let my ladies lie in their berths a moment longer than there is need of. I h'always gets them on deck as soon as possible to get the h'air. It's the best medicine you can 'ave, ma'am, the fresh h'air; h'indeed it h'is." Stewardesses are all-powerful on board ship, and Mrs. Barrett was so persuasive as well as positive that it was not possible to resist her.

But me lord, the butler, eyed me with questioning curiosity. "Aw me lad, h'and where did your father get 'is blooming costume?" he asked. "Mother supplied it, good sir," I answered. "Hi say, me lad," he laughed, "your mother h'is a grand lydie, you tike me word for h'it; h'in h'England they would decorate that suit with the h'order h'of the garter!" "Honi soit, qui mal y pense!" I lisped.

'Spect now dese yere growed in Missee Hazel's own greenhouse, he said, tauntingly, 'seein' she ain't got none! Shouldn't wonder if dey started up spontanous like, arter de shower. How you tink, Mas' Gotham, hey? But Gotham was virtuously indignant. 'Miss 'Azel'll get her head worse turned than it h'is now, he said. 'Heads does turn, fact, said Dingee, shaking his own.

Little Gretchen has had to go without anything; and she has been so good and patient!" Katy lost no time, but ran for Mrs. Barrett, whose indignation knew no bounds when she heard how the helpless party had been neglected. "It's a new person that stewardess h'is, ma'am," she explained, "and most h'inefficient!

I told the Captain when she come aboard that I didn't 'ave much opinion of her, and now he'll see how it h'is. I'm h'ashamed that such a thing should 'appen on the 'Spartacus, ma'am, I h'am, h'indeed. H'it never would 'ave ben so h'under h'Eliza, ma'am, she's the one that went h'off and got herself married the trip before last, when this person came to take her place."

"Tell me," Jarvis whispered, "do my h'old h'eyes deceive me, or h'is there a line of dark h'over t' th' right of y'?" His hand trembled as he pointed. Dave looked long and earnestly. The moon shone very brightly. The snow brought out dark objects with such vividness that it would not be too much to expect to see large objects twenty miles away. "I think your eyes are all right," he said slowly.

'O, you are clearing the table, Hazel said, flitting in; 'just what I wanted tea early. 'Tea never h'is late, Miss 'Azel! said Gotham in an aggrieved voice. 'I didn't know but it might be to-night, said the girl provokingly. 'But dear Mr. Falkirk, do you really like to have your books disturbed so often, just for me? 'My dear, said Mr.

'And if my mind serves me, you have driven her forty times. 'Quite correct, sir, and more, said Gotham. 'The point h'is, Mr. Falkirk, what's to be done when young gents come taking the h'orders h'out of my very 'ands, sir? 'Knock 'em down. 'The first natural h'impulse, sir.

I h'often says to Susan, who h'is a poor h'useless body with a very long tongue, h'and it's h'only the mistress's kindness to keep such h'an h'old pottering body h'on, for she's h'always making an h'ado about nothing. I says, "Susan, the mistress h'is h'almost h'equal to a master," and that's saying a good deal.