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"Oh, Zany!" exclaimed the girl, appalled at first by the boldness of the scheme. "Well, dar now," whispered Chunk, "who'd tink dat ar gyurl got so much gumption! See yere, Miss Lou, dat de way ef you got de spunk ter do it. Ole Perkins tink you Mad Whately comin' ter play de debil trick en let you tek Marse Scoville way quietly, en de gyard won' 'fere wid you nudder, kase dey un'er yo' cousin.

Every one?” “Iv’ry wan as sure as OI’m a living sinner,” said Granny. “Faith and ’twas the bad little gyurl that you was oftennow that I sthop to t’ink av ut.” Maida bounded back to the shop in high spirits. Granny heard her sayEvery bottle!” again and again in a whispering little voice.

Then as Holy and Red almost cried in their hilarity, he clasped his hands and crooned with heart-rending pathos: "'Tis sweet tu love But oh! haow bitter To hev yuh gyurl Git up an' flit-ter!" Douglass swore softly under his breath; then he looked meaningly at Red and touched his throat carelessly. Red sobered instantly and felt of something in the breast pocket of his shirt.

Reck'n it ud be fer wuss in dis case." "I reck'n de wuss ain' fur off. I des step ter ole mars'r an' tell 'im ter 'vestigate yo' cabin dis eb'nin'," she said, and, with a great show of offended dignity, she was about to move away. "Look yere, Zany, doan yer be a fool. Doan you wanter be a free gyurl?" "Ef you had me fer wuss I'd be des 'bout ez free ez Miss Lou w'en she mar'ed ter Mad Whately."

"So you've got it fixed with him?" demanded Neil. "You've a head like a sheep, York," admired Leroy. "YOU don't need any brick-wall hints to hit you. As your think-tank has guessed, I have come to an understanding with Collins." "But the gyurl I allow the old major would come down with a right smart ransom." "Wrong guess, York.

"And, Granny, I mean to come here next week, and I'll bring you some flannel and liniment for your rheumatism. Where shall I leave them if you're sick, and can't be here?" "O, thank ye, mum; thank ye kindly. The ain't many o' the likes of you, mum. And if ye does bring the things for my rheumaty, and I ain't here, just ye leave 'em with the gyurl at this stand, if yer will."

Murphy shook her head disparagingly. "It was shure some divilment," she asserted, stoutly. "He'll be up to some thrick wid the poor gyurl; Oi know the loikes av him. Shure, the two av yez must look as much aloike as two payes in a pod. Loikely now, it's a twin sister ye've got?" Hope smiled, although her eyes were misty. "Oh, no; Fred and I were the only children; but what shall I do?

She seem right hyar wid us she only lil gyurl toder day en now she 'clinin' to notions ob her own, en she steal away to whar she tink no one see her en tink on heaps ob tings. Won'er ef eber, like de run, she wanter go way off fum us? "Ole mars'r en ole miss dunno en doan see not'n. Dey kyant. Dey tinks de worl' al'ays gwine des so, dat means de way dey tink hit orter go.

It's well ye're lookin', Mrs. McDermott; and Nora, gyurl, sure ye're charmin' the night. Kittie, darlin', how do ye do? Do ye remember Captain Franklin, all of ye? Pipe up, ye naygurs that's right. Now, thin, all hands, choose yer partners fer the gr-rand march. Mrs. McDermott, darlin', we'll lead the march, sure, with Jerry's permission how'll he help himself, I wonder, if the lady says yis?

Her opinion was not asked, however. In the homely grey dress, with her modest, retiring manner, her gentle, diffident countenance, she was taken by the customers for a paid servant, and if ever it happened that she could not supply a can of soup quickly enough sharp words reached her ear. 'Now then, you gyurl there! Are you goin' to keep me all d'y?