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"Yes'm," said Gypsy, quite bewildered by her mother's grave manner, and thinking up all the wrong things she had done for a week. "You haven't asked about your cousin, Joy," said her mother, interrupting her thinking. "Oh!—how is she?" said Gypsy, looking somewhat ashamed. "I am sorry for the child," said Mrs. Breynton, musingly. "What's going to become of her? Who's going to take care of her?"

Then she said slowly: "Why, Peace Maythorne. I—never couldin this worldnever." Just then there came a knock at the door. Gypsy went to open it, and stood struck dumb for amazement. It was Joy. "Auntie said it was supper-time, and you were to come home," began Joy, somewhat embarrassed. "She was going to send Winnie, but I thought I'd come."

'Because the gypsy race is perfectly illiterate, said the man in black; 'they are possessed, it is true, of a knavish acuteness, and are particularly noted for giving subtle and evasive answers and in your answers, I confess, you remind me of them; but that one of the race should acquire a learned language like the Armenian, and have a general knowledge of literature, is a thing che io non credo afatto.

"Courage," thought he, as he stretched himself on his humble couch, "my adventures have commenced well: a gypsy tent, to be sure, is nothing very new; but a gypsy who quotes poetry, and enjoys a modest wife, speaks better than books do for the improvement of the world!" Hath not old custom made this life more sweet Than that of painted pomp? As You Like It.

In a quarter of an hour's time his good doctor came in with Lawrence Frith, a considerable contrast to our poor Clarence, for the slim gypsy lad had developed into a strikingly handsome man, still slender and lithe, but with a fine bearing, and his bronzed complexion suiting well with his dark shining hair and beautiful eyes.

"We thought at first it might be a gypsy hut!" "Don't be silly, Beth you've forgotten that gypsies wander from place to place." "Never mind," Aunt Janice spoke softly "what did you find?" "Marty and Jerry and 'Gem'." Alice could wait no longer for a turn to speak. "She has climaxed the story before the climax!" They all joined in the general laughter that followed the youngest Meredith's remark.

No cow is more placid, no lamb more gentle; he would not harm a tsetse fly or kick a snapping terrier. His sole object in life is to keep himself and his rider out of danger, and to betake himself to that part of the ring in which the least labor should be expected of him. The tiny girls who ride him call him "dear old Billy Buttons," or "darling Gypsy," or "nice Sir Archer."

The hour and a half became two hours, and Gypsy was so thoroughly tired out sitting still, it seemed as if she should scream, or upset her finger-bowl, or knock over her chair, or do some terrible thing. "You said you were twelve years old, I believe?" said the old gentleman, suddenly. This was the fifth time he had asked that very same question.

These surrounded a black horse, on which sat a slim, dark-faced man of the true Romany breed. Miss Greeby stared at him and blinked her eyes, as though she could not believe what they beheld, while the man waved his hand and responded to the many greetings in gypsy language. His eyes finally met her own as she stood on the outskirts of the crowd, and he started. Then she knew.

Emma Jane was not to be seen in garden, field, or at the window, and Abijah turned his gaze to the large brick house that came next on the other side of the quiet village street. It might have been closed for a funeral. Neither Miss Miranda nor Miss Jane Sawyer sat at their respective windows knitting, nor was Rebecca Randall's gypsy face to be discerned.