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She told of the work she had covered back at the Notch. Miss Lee listened with interest and, knowing nothing of Jerry's home life and Jerry's mother, some amazement. "I believe you could go straight into the Junior class though you're " "Oh, can't I be in Gyp's room?" cried Jerry in dismay. "Gyp Westley, I mean. You see she's the only girl I know real well."

They were sitting close to the Schiller statue, Winton reading The Times, to whose advent he looked forward more than he admitted, for he was loath by confessions of boredom to disturb Gyp's manifest enjoyment of her stay.

You will be good enough to comply with my wish, all the same." The stout woman's face grew very red. She burst out, breathless: "Yes, sir; but I've seen what I've seen. I never said anything, but I've got eyes. If Miss Gyp's to take your name, sir, then tongues'll wag, and my dear, dead mistress " But at the look on his face she stopped, with her mouth open.

Her colour, and the heaving of that billowy bosom made Winton add quickly: "Now, Betty, pull yourself together; Gyp wants you. I'll tell you all about it in the cab." The poor woman, still heaving vaguely, could only stammer: "Yes, sir. Poor little thing! What about its night-things? And Miss Gyp's?"

Well, I hope I never grow as old as that!" she cried. "You never will!" was Isobel's withering answer. "Jerry it's perfect! Come and look." Gyp, shivering in her pajamas, was standing with her small nose flattened against Jerry's cold window. Downstairs a clock had just chimed seven. Jerry sprang from her bed with one bound. She peeped over Gyp's shoulder.

Gyp put up her lips, and tried to drown for ever in a kiss the memory of those words: "But I say you ARE wasting yourself." Summerhay, coming down next morning, went straight to his bureau; his mind was not at ease. "Wasting yourself!" What had he done with that letter of Diana's? He remembered Gyp's coming in just as he finished reading it.

Gyp's barking sounded louder the nearer they approached. The boys as well as the captain strained their eyes ahead, anxious to find out what was the matter with the dog. For awhile they could see nothing through the net-work of trees and branches. But as they came close to the high steep bank overhanging the brook, they peered forward and caught their first glimpse of the excited dog.

The horse went over like a bird; and for the first time since Diana's kiss Summerhay felt a moment's joy. He turned him round and sent him at it again, and again Hotspur cleared it beautifully. But the animal's blood was up now. Summerhay could hardly hold him. Muttering: "Oh, you BRUTE, don't pull!" he jagged the horse's mouth. There darted into his mind Gyp's word: "Cruel!"

When she opened her eyes again, the economic agent was holding something beneath her nose and making sounds that seemed to be the words: "Well, I am a d d fool!" repeatedly expressed. Fiorsen was gone. Seeing Gyp's eyes once more open, the nurse withdrew the ammonia, replaced the baby, and saying: "Now go to sleep!" withdrew behind the screen.

Gyp's delight was principally because it was the first "real" evening party to which she had been invited; it was a milestone in her life it meant that she was very grown-up. "Jerauld Travis you don't act a bit excited! It will be heaps of fun for Pat's father and mother are the jolliest people and there'll be dancing and boys and spliffy eats." "I never went to a party like that."