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"'No, eve'ybody's skeered er a wolf, en I doan want nobody ter be skeered er me. "'Shill I turn yer ter a mawkin'-bird? "'No, a hawk mout ketch me. I wanter be turnt inter sump'n w'at'll stay in one place. "'I kin turn yer ter a tree, sez Tenie. 'You won't hab no mouf ner years, but I kin turn yer back oncet in a w'ile, so yer kin git sump'n ter eat, en hear w'at's gwine on.

But, bless grashus! sech a racket wuz a gwine on dat nobody ain't hear it, 'ceppin' maybe de Mud Turkle en de Spring Lizzud, en dere enfloons wuz pow'ful lackin'. "Bimeby, w'iles de Nunicorn wuz 'sputin' wid de Lion, en w'ile de Hyener wuz a laughin' ter hisse'f, de Elephant squshed anudder one er de Crawfishes, en a little mo'n he'd er ruint de Mud Turkle.

The girls were two healthy-looking lasses, both blondes with rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes. Terry kept the old man busy telling him of the improvements that they were contemplating making on the ranch and of the residence that they would build down by the big mineral spring. "Great rattlers!" the old man exclaimed. "You're sho gwine to spend a lot of money, ain't you?"

"Well! now listen! if you will venture out on the limb as far as you think safe, and not let go the beetle, I'll make you a present of a silver dollar as soon as you get down." "I'm gwine, Massa Will deed I is," replied the negro very promptly "mos' out to de eend now." "Out to the end!" here fairly screamed Legrand; "do you say you are out to the end of that limb?"

Fo'ty yeahs ago who'd 'a' ever expected ter see a nigger gal ridin' in her own buggy? My, my! but I don' know, I don' know! It don' look right, an' it ain' gwine ter las'! you can't make me b'lieve!" Meantime Janet, stung by Mrs. Carteret's look, the nearest approach she had ever made to a recognition of her sister's existence, had turned away with hardening face.

I ain't no pot-rack, I ain't no rafter, en I ain't no bed-cord, but, please gracious! I'm gwine ter fin' who's in dat house, en I ain't gwine in dar nudder. Dey mo' ways ter fin' out who fell in de mill-pond widout fallin' in yo'se'f.

"She's gwine have de room 'crost from Miss Liz, an' fresh boo-kays eve'y day. We'se comin' over 'foh long, too; fer de doctor say he ain' gwine take no moh skin offen her." Then suddenly she exclaimed: "What, in de land sake, is de matter wid you-all's pants?" But he had turned, and in deep thought started across the grass to the big house, leaving her in open-mouthed amazement.

Dat's been my home great many year, but massa drove me off, he say, 'case I's no 'count, gwine round wheezin' like an ole hoss, an' snap a gun at me an' say he shoot my brain out if I didn't go to de Yankees. An' missus come out an' say she set fire to my cabin some night an' burn me up in it.

Now, Ponto, lookout that no horned toads or web-footed lizards get the young ladies, and, above all, don't lie down alongside the road and take a nap." "Hu! Guess I ain't gwine t' sleep when I's 'scortin my massa's daughters home," declared the colored man, rather indignant that such a slur should be cast on him. "Don't worry," called Jerry, as the girls walked along the dock to shore.

I take care of Missus Mary and de little gal; don't you hab no fears 'bout dem. But you isn't gwine to hab Ham go, is you? If you doz, dat ole fool he git kill. I 'spect he got no mo' sense dan jes' git rite in whar dey is fitin? "'No, no, Marfa; you is wrong dar. I tell you dat you is. I stay by Massa Tom.