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By the end of March intelligence was brought to the judges at Lima of the rebellion of Don Sebastian and the murder of Hinojosa: Six days afterwards, news came that Egas de Guzman had revolted at Potosi; and in four days more advices were brought of the destruction of both these rebels; on which there were great rejoicings at Lima.

"Captain Guzman, here, and the huntsmen think twenty minutes would not give us much of a run these hounds are very fast so I shall make it forty. But you must first submit to a little operation. Make them ready, Jose."

Even the Guzman boys, who were shy in the presence of American ladies, were wishing her the best of fortune and the greatest of happiness. Blaze Jones was the last to leave. With especial emphasis upon her name, he said: "Miz Austin, Paloma and me would like to have you come to our house and stay until you feel like goin' back to Las Palmas."

After arriving at the Nazareth, $4000 were taken from the trunk, and buried in the yard of a negro prince. Four of the pirates then went to Cape Lopez for $11,000, which had been buried there. Boyga, Castillo, Guzman, and the "State's Evidence," Ferez, were the ones who went.

Quinones, the captain of the guard, with several of his men now fought his way up, lifted Cortez from the water, and laid him on the road. One of his pages brought up his horse, but fell, wounded in the throat by a javelin. Guzman, the chamberlain, then seized the bridle, and held it while Cortez was helped into the saddle; but was himself seized by the Aztecs, and carried off in a canoe.

The man bolted the meat and bread in a trice. "What? Is there a little wine left?" he asked, smiling. "Yes," replied Manuel, emptying the bottle into the man's glass. "All right," answered the man in ill-pronounced English as he gulped it down. "Gentlemen! At your service. I believe you wished to ask me something." "Yes." "At your service, then. My name is Alonso de Guzman Calderon y Tellez.

Hum, so, so, like Fire conceal'd in a Tinderbox, I shall run mad. Car. Is she witty? Fran. Enter Guzman, bringing in Julia, Clara, Isabella, Jacinta, Guiliom, Antonio, &c. Women veil'd. Car. Isa. Dost think, Jacinta, he'll chuse me? Jac. I'll warrant you, Madam, if he looks with my Eyes. Guz. Guil.

As Pedro Martin, the provost-marshal, strongly suspected that some of those who accompanied Carvajal had participated in this plot; he endeavoured to discover this by torturing Francisco de Guzman, one of the prisoners.

As he spoke, he leaned forward with his hands resting on the table, and the chubby fingers doubled in upon the palms. His huge mustache twitched, and his little black eyes shone upon the placid countenance of Captain Guzman, lolling in his chair at the farther end and languidly smoking a cigarette.

"On the 13th of November 5 Spanish frigates arrived under the command of Pedro Tello de Gúzman, with orders from the king to embark the treasure forthwith and take it to Spain; but Tello, on his way hither, had fallen in off Guadeloupe with two English small craft, had had a fight with one of them, sank it, and while pursuing the other had come suddenly in sight of the whole fleet, which made him turn about and make his way to Puerto Rico before the English should cut him off.