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I heard some guttural mutterings come up through the hatch, a rustling, then silence. If he was afraid of me at all he carried it off very well. I apologized to the young girl for having awakened her father. Her colour was very high, and her eyes sparkled. If she had not been so very beautiful I should have gone away at once. She said angrily: "He is odious to me, the Señor Juez.

A guttural call in a low voice startled him, a subdued longdrawn "Hoioch! hoioch! hoioch!" followed by a few words of instructions rapidly uttered in what seemed a kind of patois and on turning he saw below, along the shore at the left, the little figure of the Bonhomme rapidly pulling in one end of a net through the water, while the other end was managed by a younger fisherman attired as rudely and queerly.

"But of which I need say nothing further at present, and which I should not have mentioned but for that fact." "Well!" "Which I consider remarkable." "Yes." "The Armenian is copious." "Is it?" "With an alphabet of thirty-nine letters, but it is harsh and guttural." "Yes." "Like the language of most mountainous people the Armenians call it Haik." "Do they?"

Just as the red disk of the sun sunk down behind this stupendous scenery, a low, guttural sound was uttered by Potlatch Hero, an old Indian brave, and it passed along the line of the shadowy braves. No one moved, but all eyes were turned toward the lodge of the old Umatilla chief.

After remaining stationary, for some time, this began to move slowly towards us. It was black beneath, but dazzlingly white at the summit. It swept down with accelerating speed. The air throbbed with that most awe-inspiring sound, the guttural murmur of approaching hail. For some minutes the rain descended in drowning sheets. Then the hail smote us like a roaring cataract.

Finally he lurched forward and fell groaning to the floor. The women screamed in disgust and drew back their skirts. "Come ahn," cried one, starting up angrily, "let's get out of here." The woman of brilliance and audacity stayed behind, taking up the bills and stuffing them into a deep, irregularly-shaped pocket. A guttural snore from the recumbent man caused her to turn and look down at him.

From time to time he scales a tall tree, and from its heights scrutinises the neighbourhood. If he discovers nothing suspicious a particular guttural grunt gives information to his companions. If, on the contrary, he perceives some danger he warns them by another cry, and all draw in ready to follow him in his retreat, which he directs in the same way as he guided the forward march.

"It may have been wilful murder, or he may have taken it voluntarily," I answered. "But it is most evident that the symptoms are those of poisoning." Ambler gave vent to a low grunt, half of satisfaction, half of suspicion. I knew that grunt well. When on the verge of any discovery he always emitted that guttural sound. "We'd better inform the police," I remarked. "That's all we can do.

The Hindu listeners were visibly disturbed and affected by this cold recital of bloody deeds. The hands of the Rajput clenched and unclenched themselves nervously, and the merchant gave a deep, guttural groan of horror as he flung the end of his robe over his face as if to shut out a vision of sacrilege and shame.

He represented safety, salvation, everything that made life worth living. A sudden noise and men's voices in the adjoining room sent her to her feet with heaving breast and clenched hands. But the sharp, guttural voice predominating over the other voices killed the wild hope that had sprung up in her by its utter dissimilarity to the soft low tones for which she longed. Ibraheim Omair!