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At their left, a gorge two hundred feet deep yawned horribly, and the trout-brook gurgled over its stones. "You hold on there," shouted the driver of the wood-cart; "I'll turn in here anigh the mountain. You ken git by t'other side, can't you?" "Reckon so," said Mr. Surly, measuring the distance with his eye.

"Upstairs to lunch. Where did you think?" Susan exhibited the little package in her hand. "Do I look like a person about to go to a Browning Cotillion, or to take a dip in the Pacific?" "No," gurgled Peter, "but I was wishing we could lunch together. However, I'm dated with Hunter. But what about Thursday night?" "Thursday." Susan reflected. "Peter, I can't!" "All foolishness. You can."

The wind came out of the west, cold but amiable; the cracked bell of a switch-engine gurgled querulously at intervals, followed by the bumping of coupling freight-cars; roosters were crowing, and sleepy train-men were assembling in sullen silence. The couple walked with arms locked like lovers, but the tones of their voices had the quality which comes after marriage. They were man and wife.

I know you too well! Not till one of us is dead!" John pressed the throat tighter with one hand, plunged the other into his pocket, and drew and sprung his dirk. The choking man gurgled for mercy, but March pushed back his falling locks with his wrist and lifted the blade. There it hung while he cried, "O if you'd only done this sober I'd end you! I wish to God you wa'n't drunk!"

And now Billy could see through his peephole that Jude started into life. "You been there?" Jared gurgled assent. "How is she?" "That's it, Jude. Now let's get down to business. Having to hide somewhere after that little unpleasantness down State, I ran up to St. Angé. Knowing the way about, it was a better place than some others, and I could keep from sight and find things out.

At mid-day we reached an arroyo a clear, cool stream that gurgled along under a thick grove of the palma redonda. Here we "nooned", stretching our bodies along the green-sward.

An' this yere Colt wan't loaded then, an' it ain't loaded now. Look! What an appetite I hev! Who says supper? Now, mister," he addressed Leveson, "seein' as the starch is outer you, I'll give ye my arm as fur as the Paloma." "Leave me," gurgled Leveson. "I'm too good a Christian. In the state yer in it'd kill ye to meet somebody else ye've robbed. It's too risky." "Go, you scoundrel!

His lips gurgled out some inarticulate sound scarcely human; his right arm shook and quivered with his vain efforts to raise it; still it hung nerveless by his side. Consciousness and will yet lingered in his brain, but physical life and speech had gone for ever. He fell down struck by that living death that worse than death, of old age paralysis. The whole household was in terror and disorder.

Carara turned the blade against himself, and traced a cross upon his front, whereupon the trainer gurgled and laid protecting hands upon his protruding abdomen. "You spik Spanish?" "No." Glass shook his head. "But you understan' w'at I try to say?" "Yes oh yes I'm hep all right." "And the Senor Fat will r-r-re-member?" "Sure!"

Like most of the pirate sloops-of-war, Stede Bonnet's Revenge was schooner-rigged. She carried fore and main top-sails of the old, square style, and her long main boom and immense spread of jib gave her a tremendous sail area for her tonnage. The breeze had held steadily since sundown and was, if anything, rising a little. Short seas slapped and gurgled at the forefoot with a pleasant sound.