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The Overland girls laughed merrily, and Grace linking an arm into the guide's led her down to the river where the two sat down, Grace to give Joe Shafto friendly advice, and Joe to accept it as she would from no other member of the Overland Riders. In the meantime Tom and Hippy were discussing their plans. They spent a good part of the day doing so.

Throughout the whole camp there was a low, muffled sound, as of men moving lazily, with broken whispers and disjointed sentences uttered in very deep, hoarse tones, mingled with confused, unearthly noises, which, upon consideration, sounded like prolonged yawns. Gradually these sounds increased, for the guide's leve is inexorable, and the voyageur's fate inevitable.

Then all at once I remembered the seaman in the hostelry, and my guide's telling him my name, and the horseman riding by at night; 'twas clear to me now that the man was a spy of Vetch's, kept on the road for this very purpose of riding ahead of a visitor and giving intimation of his approach.

They had kept count of the days because of the guide's quiet but firm determination to rest in camp on the Sabbath a plan which, although they had no very strong principle on the subject, commended itself to the rest of the party because of the pleasant effect of the day's rest on both soul and body, for it afforded opportunity to have long and earnest talks with Ravonino about the former days of persecution, as well as quiet strolls, alone or in couples, and it must be admitted occasional slumbers in the cool shade of bush or tree!

Janus, for the instant, was overcome with surprise, but he pulled himself together sharply, running to his pack and snatching up his revolver. "It's our man!" cried Harriet. "I made him run." "Thave me!" wailed Tommy, throwing herself flat on her face behind a rock. Janus had clattered down the rocks after the intruder. The guide's revolver began to speak.

He wore a shirt that had once been white, a pair of trousers, one leg of which extended some six inches below the knee, the other as far above the knee of the other leg. Over his shoulders drooped a blanket of gaudy color. The guide's feet were clad in the mucklucks worn both in summer and winter. Taking him all in all, the man was a smile-producing combination.

Elfreda bared the guide's shoulder and peered at the wound. She saw that it was merely a superficial flesh wound, but that unless it had attention it might prove to be more serious. With skillful fingers Miss Briggs bathed the wound and dressed it, Hi Lang observing the professional manner in which she went about her work and nodding reflectively. "Doctor?" he asked.

"Herb," he gurgled in snatches, the words being half heard, half guessed at, "'twas I took 'em the skins an' the antlers. I wanted to get to the ole camp an' let you take it out o' me afore I keeled over." Herb had taken Cyrus's place, and was upholding him with a tenderness which showed that the guide's heart was in this hour melted to a jelly.

The brook continued to be their companion, and they advanced up its mazes, crossing them now and then, on which occasions Evan Dhu uniformly offered the assistance of his attendants to carry over Edward; but our hero, who had been always a tolerable pedestrian, declined the accommodation, and obviously rose in his guide's opinion, by showing that he did not fear wetting his feet.

Slung by a thong to the chief guide's left shoulder were a tiger-cat skin, cardamom-sheaths and birds' beaks and claws clustering round a something in shape like the largest German sausage, the whole ruddled with ochre: this charm must not be touched by the herd; a slave-lad, having unwittingly offended, knelt down whilst the wearer applied a dusty big toe between his eyebrows.