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Then an ingenious American had taken B. I. 5 in hand and had done certain things to her wings, her tail, her fuselage and her engine and from the chaos of her remains was born B. I. 6, not unlike her erratic mother in appearance, but viceless. Tam learned of his opportunity without any display of enthusiasm. "A' doot she's na guid," he said.

Peace is surely a blessing frae Heaven no a guid wark demanded frae man; an' when it grows our duty to be in war, it's an ill thing to be in peace. Our Evangelicals are stan'in', puir folk, whar their faithers stood; an' if they maun either fight or be beaten frae their post, why, it's just their duty to fight.

Na! we maun pray for the livin' 'at it may dee some guid till, an' no for them 'at its a' ower wi' the Lord hae mercy upo' them!" My readers may suspect, one for one reason another for another, that she had already, before Donal came that evening been holding communion with the idol in the three-cornered temple of her cupboard; and I confess that it was so.

She'll na be permitted to trouble ye," concluded the housekeeper. "That will do, Mrs. Ross. Thanks. But pray do not let anyone be harsh with that poor girl. If she is a little crazy, she is all the more to be pitied. Good-night," said Salome, thus gently dismissing her talkative attendant. "Guid night, me young leddy.

We cannot pretend to describe the feelings of Wat and his wife when they were introduced into the old castle; but they soon came to see that the Baron of Ballochgray was just "as guid a chiel in his ain castle as ever he was when he acted the Deevil in Christ's Kirk on the Green."

She pointed out the door to him, but herself stood on the other side of the way till she saw it opened by her old friend in her night-cap, and heard her make jubilee over his return. Gibbie had come home and gone out again to look for him, she said. "Weel," remarked Donal, "there wad be sma' guid in my gaein' to luik for him. It wad be but the sheep gaein' to luik for the shepherd."

But I'm no' a guzzler, an' I dinna gang in wi' thae loons flingin' aboot guid money. 'And that's thrue for you, me bye, interrupted a rich Irish brogue, to the delight of the crowd and the amazement of Geordie, who went calmly on 'An' I canna bide yon saloon whaur they sell sic awfu'-like stuff it's mair like lye nor guid whisky, and whaur ye're never sure o' yer richt change.

"I want ye to promise me ae thing afore we pairt," said Geordie. "It's for yir ain guid I'm askin' it." "What is it?" I asked curiously. "I want ye to sign the pledge," he responded, with a tearful voice, "for it maun hae a sair hand o' ye or ye wadna be prowlin' aboot a taivern at sic a time o' nicht." "I will talk to you some other time about that."

But I gaed to see him an' I needna hae been sae feart, for he minded on me, an' he wadna hear o' me bidin' at the taivern, an' he took me to his graun hoose, an' he was ower guid to a plain cratur like me. "Weel, ae mornin', we was sittin', haein' oor crack aboot the auld days, an' the schule, an' the sheep we herded thegither on the Ettrick hills.

I could almost wish to take again one of the long, uninteresting night rides from the Vale to Spanish Town, or to listen once more to one of old Macdonald's interminable harangues on the folly of Mr. Canning's policy, or the virtues of Scotch thrift. "Jack, lad," he used to bellow in his curious squeak of a voice, "a gentleman you may be of guid Scots blood.