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He first stared, then fell into a guffaw of laughter, and as soon as he had recovered breath, into a series of unfeeling comments which drove Mrs. Thornburgh to desperation. 'If you will set your mind, my dear, on things we plain folks can do perfectly well without' et cetera, et cetera the husband's point of view can be imagined. Mrs.

It touched him, however, on his tenderest point, for he certainly prided himself on his proficiency in the use of "the lethal weapon;" so, when he turned round and observed that Master Snowball had heard the remark and was indulging in a quiet guffaw at his expense, he rounded on him a little more sharply.

You may be sure," she added; and she put out her hand to the Englishman, who took it half shyly, half impetuously. "And now go and dance!" she said. "Oh yes, I feel awfully like dancing!" he answered. "I shall go and get tipsy." And he walked away with a gloomy guffaw. "What has happened between you?" Newman asked. "I can't tell you now," said Madame de Cintre.

"'I wasn't aware you were hard up, I said, for I had seen him often enough flaunting it in the theatres and restaurants. "'Not for luxuries, he retorted with a guffaw, 'but for necessities yes. And there comes in the value of our domestic eyesore. Why, I haven't paid her a skilling for six months!

At the end of the other's speech, F. B. goes up to the draughtsman, looks over his shoulder, makes one or two violent efforts as of inward convulsion, and finally explodes in an enormous guffaw. "It's capital! By Jove, it's capital! Sir Barnes would never dare to face his constituents with that picture of him hung up in Newcome!" And F. B. holds up the drawing, at which we all laugh except Laura.

McLean had been kneeling upon the saw-dust strewn ground. Now he rose and stood, feet apart, gazing down into that face, afire with eagerness, uplifted to his. Quiet endured for a long time, and then, at a chuckle from Allison, Steve wheeled he wheeled just in time to see Barbara Allison's brows arch and her lips curl in a queer little smile. And suddenly Allison burst into a loud guffaw.

'Neither breeks nor kilts, he declared heavily, 'can cover deceit. Ye're under age, Macgreegor. Ye're but eichteen! 'Nineteen, Uncle Purdie. 'Eh? An' when was ye nineteen? 'This mornin'. Mr. Purdie's hand went to his mouth in time to stop a guffaw. Presently he soberly inquired what his nephew's parents had said on the matter. 'I ha'ena tell't them yet. 'Ah, that's bad.

When the opening day came there ensued much suppressed tittering and, now and then, an uncontrollable guffaw. Diana, Venus, Vulcan, Apollo, Jove, and Mercury had evidently stumbled into a convention of nymphs, satyrs, fairies, sprites, furies, harpies, gargoyles, giants, pygmies, muses, and fates. The result was bedlam.

Then, if you find yourself soarin' heavenwards in a kind of scattered anatomical puzzle-map of little bits, don't blame me for obligin' you, that's all." There was a guffaw from the listeners. W. Keyse saluted, cheerfully joining in. "I shan't s'y a word, sir." "By George, I believe you!" said Beauvayse. "What's up? Seen a ghost?"

She set her teeth at the thought and walked resolutely into the room. "Are you done?" she asked. "I am, ma'am," he leered. "Do you want me to wash the dishes? I kin, and I will." And he actually carried his plate and cup to the sink, where he turned the water upon them with another loud guffaw.