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The king seemed charmed at his guest's politeness. "Will you try some of these creams?" he said to Porthos. "Sire, you majesty treats me with far too much kindness to prevent me speaking the whole truth." "Pray do so, M. du Vallon."

At last dinner was ready, but the poor host saw the want of nicety almost the want of cleanliness, in all its accompaniments dingy plate, dull-looking glass, a tablecloth that, if not absolutely dirty, was anything but fresh in its splashed and rumpled condition, and compared it in his own mind with the dainty delicacy with which even a loaf of brown bread was served up at his guest's home.

If he has a guest, it is the height of politeness to select small pieces off the dish and put them within the guest's reach, or, still better, into his mouth. Moors, unless they are wealthy men, eat "by the eye" that is, not according to what they require, but according to that they see set before them: frequent hiccups express gratification at hospitality received, accompanied by "Hamdoollah."

"That means, I suppose, that Laura Glyde will take the floor as usual, and we shall be deluged with literature." Philanthropy and statistics were Miss Van Vluyck's province, and she naturally resented any tendency to divert their guest's attention from these topics. Mrs. Plinth at this moment appeared. "Literature?" she protested in a tone of remonstrance. "But this is perfectly unexpected.

The door of the furnace was suddenly flung ajar, but he was too much absorbed to perceive the change that came upon the keen face of Hilary Tarbetts, who knelt beside it, as the guest's portentous triumphant smile was fully revealed. Yerby did not lose, however, the glance of reproach which the moonshiner cast upon the miller, nor the miller's air at once triumphant, ashamed, and regretful.

Edwardes smiled and held out his hand. "You are the best judge of that," he replied. "Good-night." But as the door closed upon him the smile died on the guest's lips, and a premonition of evil settled upon his mind. No one had ever defied this man and come through unscathed. His power held leashed lightnings that might destroy, and Edwardes had been frank to a point which might stir that wrath.

If there were a next world, my friend," and here he placed his hand familiarly on his guest's shoulder, while the bright, steel-gray under-gleam sparkled in his splendid eyes "'twould be worth dwelling in for the sake of Hyspiros, as grand a god as any of the Thunderers in the empyrean!"

She says you want to dicker with us." "I said he might want to," murmured the girl. Slade grinned genially at the guest's bandaged arm. "No might about it, Carmena. Your dad came into Dead Hole for his health. But I figger Lennon here knows it ain't no general health resort."

Sudley's sorrow was not of the kind that renders the temper pliable, and when Nehemiah sought to point a moral in the absence of the violin, and for the first time in Sudley's presence protested that he desired to save Leander from that device of the devil, the master of the house shook his inhospitable fist very close indeed to his guest's nose, and Yerby was glad enough to follow that feature unimpaired out to his horse at the bars, saying little more.

I fear, Robert, that you have cooked too many of these superlative fish, and that they must even go to waste, which is a sin. They would make an admirable beginning for our guest's breakfast, if he would but consent to join us."