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Four men he noticed, who turned whenever he did; the others he guessed were keeping somewhat further off, or were perhaps stationed at the streets leading out of the square so as to cut him off should he escape from those close to him. A few oil lamps were suspended from posts at various points in the square, and at the ends of the streets leading from it.

He might have introduced enlivening elements from London, even from Paris, Vienna, Berlin, and Rome; but the sobering influence of years of rheumatic gout and a not entirely sufficing income prevented activities, and his opinions of his social surroundings were vaguely guessed to be those of a not too lenient critic.

There it was plainly enough, just abaft the main-mast, and he seemed to have stopped there and to be looking over the bulwark I merely guessed as much, for the sound had stopped, and of course I stopped too.

The allusion to the "house-warming," and dinner dance set Clo's brain whirling. Angel would be expected by her husband to wear the queen's pearls. If he already guessed the secret, this might be a plan to force his wife's hand. Beverley feared him. Clo had seen that. Angel must have the pearls for to-morrow night.

Probably the shrewd old cacique had guessed as much when he arranged the apparently simple but really ingenious scheme whereby at least one of the two white men would always be in the village and under close observation.

"Oh, Luke, what a shame!" exclaimed Florence, hastening to him with extended hand. "I only just heard of it." "Then you're not afraid to shake hands with a bank burglar?" said Luke. "No, indeed! What nonsense it is! Who do you think told me of your arrest?" "Randolph Duncan." "You have guessed it." "What did he say? Did he seem to be shocked at my iniquity?" "I think he seemed glad of it.

I had the check in my hand when you and Sir William came crashing through that window, and Sir William's eyes were upon me. The only way to save myself was to repudiate it, and let Wingrave get out of the affair as well as he could. Of course, I never guessed what was going to happen." "Then it was Wingrave," Barrington muttered, "who played the game?" "Yes!" Lady Ruth answered quietly.

Someone must have guessed you had that money, little one, and and if they can't get hold of the forty pounds, they will take the eleven." Cecile felt herself growing a trifle pale. "I never thought of that," she said. "I cannot look for Lovedy without a little money. What shall I do, Miss Smith?" "Let me think," said Miss Smith.

"You have guessed at the tooth which aches," said Riccabocca, with admiration. "Easy to do that," answered the parson.

You've never guessed at the bitterness and loneliness, the" his voice broke; but presently he resumed, speaking with a force that I had never known in him. "Posterity! What use is it to ME? A dead man doesn't know that people are visiting his grave, visiting his birthplace, putting up tablets to him, unveiling statues of him. A dead man can't read the books that are written about him.