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Therefore, said Sir Launcelot unto the Bishop, ye shall ride unto the king afore, and recommend me unto his good grace, and let him have knowledging that this same day eight days, by the grace of God, I myself shall bring my lady, Queen Guenever, unto him.

"Who is this? and what is here? And in the lighted palace near Died the sound of royal cheer; And they crossed themselves for fear, All the knights at Camelot. But Launcelot mused a little space; He said, 'She has a lovely face; God in his mercy lend her grace, The Lady of Shalott." It happened at this time that Queen Guenever was thrown into great peril of her life.

"Ye may abide," said Queen Guenever, "till your brother the King come home." "I may not," said Morgan le Fay, "for I have such hasty tidings that I may not tarry." "Well," said Guenever, "ye may depart when ye will."

And being young, he changed himself, and grew To hate the sin that seem'd so like his own Of Modred, Arthur's nephew, and fell at last In the great battle fighting for the king." Enid. The next day came Geraint towards the court; and there was a watch set on the ramparts by Guenever, lest he should arrive unawares. And one of the watch came to Guenever.

"Be not dismayed, my fair fellows," he said, "though you have lost the field, and many of you are the worst in body and mind. Be of good cheer, for to-morrow we fight again. How the day will go I cannot say, but I will be in the lists with you, and lend you what aid is in my arm." During that day's fight Dame Bragwaine had sat near Queen Guenever, observing Tristram's valorous deeds.

And when Queen Guenever understood that King Arthur was slain, and all the noble knights, Sir Mordred and all the remnant, then the queen stole away, and five ladies with her, and so she went to Almesbury; and there she let make herself a nun, and ware white clothes and black, and great penance she took, as ever did sinful lady in this land, and never creature could make her merry; but lived in fasting, prayers, and alms-deeds, that all manner of people marvelled how virtuously she was changed.

"Then straightway from his bosom A little wand he drew; And with it eke a mantle, Of wondrous shape and hue. "'Now have thou here, King Arthur, Have this here of me, And give unto thy comely queen, All shapen as you see. "'No wife it shall become, That once hath been to blame. Then every knight in Arthur's court Sly glanced at his dame. "And first came Lady Guenever, The mantle she must try.

Old Song. So when the queen had mayed, and all were bedecked with herbs, mosses, and flowers in the best manner and freshest, right then came out of a wood Sir Maleagans with eightscore men well harnessed, and bade the queen and her knights yield them prisoners. "Traitor knight," said Queen Guenever, "what wilt thou do? Wilt thou shame thyself?

In half a minute I was as naked as a pair of tongs! And dear, dear, to think of it: I was the only embarrassed person there. Everybody discussed me; and did it as unconcernedly as if I had been a cabbage. Queen Guenever was as naively interested as the rest, and said she had never seen anybody with legs just like mine before. It was the only compliment I got if it was a compliment.

He, considering the great goodness of King Arthur and of Sir Launcelot, that were called the noblest knights of the world, called unto him a noble clerk, that at that time was there present, the French book saith it was the Bishop of Rochester, and gave him bulls unto King Arthur of England, charging him upon pain of interdicting of all England, that he take his queen, Dame Guenever, unto him again, and accord with Sir Launcelot.