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They also almost entirely forgot about the uncle in Fluorn, for during many years they had heard nothing of him. But one day the children were called into their guardian's house, and there sat a tall, heavy man with a brown face. "Come here, children," said this man, as the children entered. "Don't you know me?" He had a dry, harsh voice. The children looked at him with wondering eyes.

Somehow, this eye the spying wind's eye haunted Pemrose that night, curled up in a previous suggestion of the Guardian's which, momentarily, had twisted itself, snake-like, around her heart. Suppose Ta-te should prove cruel to her, as to Jennie whom she had eventually spared!

From the Guardian's own agents the letters of resignation were very much alike, for the company was popular in a modest way, and most of the writers had represented it for many years. "We are notified by the committee in charge of this district," they wrote, "that in order to secure the customary graded commission scale we must resign our non-Conference companies.

9 and if a guardian fails to appear to a summons of which the object is to fix by judicial order a certain rate of maintenance for the pupil, the rescript of the Emperors Severus and Antoninus provides that the pupil may be put in possession of the guardian's property, and orders the sale of the perishable portions thereof after appointment of a curator.

But when the head is very full, it does not do to have the heart very empty; there is such a thing as being top-heavy! Helen and Violante had been conversing together, and Helen had obeyed her guardian's injunction, and spoken, though briefly, of her positive engagement to Harley.

Till then she had not noticed its altered arrangement, and even her guardian's coveted: "Well done, little housekeeper!" could not banish the sudden fear that assailed her. "Why, what does it mean? Where is Adrian? Where Pierre? Why are only dishes for three?" "Pst! my child! Hast been askin' questions in the sleep? Sure, you have ever since your eyes flew open.

Her step was slow, and her manner shy, subdued, and timid. Audley gazed on her with earnestness as she approached him; and then coming forward, took her hand and kissed it. "I am your guardian's constant friend," said he, and he drew her gently to a seat beside him, in the recess of a window.

Having sealed and dispatched this note he resumed his work, without showing or feeling any further concern about the matter. When it was growing dark over the prairie that evening, the love-lorn Jennie saw her pleading-eyed lover pass along in the shadow of the poplars toward her guardian's house. She heard his ring at the door, and his step in the hall.

I know it's a theory; last time I was here, you could think of nothing but hypnotism or else the action of belladonna in congestion and inflammation of the brain;" and he left his very comfortable chair suddenly, with a burst of laughter, and began to walk up and down the room. "She has no relatives to protect her, and I consider it a shocking case of a guardian's inhumanity.

"I agree with the girls, Miss Elting," interjected Harriet. "We are able to take care of ourselves. Perhaps this is simply another crazy man, of whom we shall be rid as soon as we leave the village for the mountains in the morning. Please don't dismiss Mr. Grubb." "I shall have to think this matter over," was the guardian's grave reply. "We do not care to repeat last summer's experience.