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John, the eldest, took up a stick and slowly poked the red embers of the fire, making the white sparks fly. "Now, Milt, why'd you tell us thet?" he asked, guardedly. "You're the only friends I've got," replied Dale. "It didn't seem safe for me to talk down in the village. I thought of you boys right off. I ain't goin' to let Snake Anson get that girl. An' I need help, so I come to you."

Without knowing how I got there, I found myself in the gallery. The doors that lined it were rickety and worm-eaten; I stared weakly at them. A mere twist of practised fingers, and they could be forced open by any one who cared to try. I thought I heard a faint breathing inside the girl's room, but I was not sure; I was too rattled. Very guardedly I knocked and got no answer.

Hardly had we taken the first mouthfuls, however, when Memba Sasa, gasping for breath, came tearing up the slope from the cañon where he had descended for a drink. "Lions!" he cried, guardedly. "I went to drink, and I saw four lions. Two were lying under the shade, but two others were playing like puppies, one on its back."

Drove out to Drumlane, where are the ruins of a large church and abbey and round tower. The driver, a Catholic, talked a little, guardedly, of the high rents. A broken-down looking man, who opened the iron gates for us into the ruins, complained heavily of the rents.

Do you know any Latin, William?" "Jus' a bit," said William, guardedly. "I've learnt a lot, but I don't know much." "Say some to me. It might convey something to me. One never knows. She seems so sure. Talk Latin to me, William." "Hic, haec, hoc," said William obligingly. Julius Cæsar's reincarnation shook his head. "No," he said, "I'm afraid it doesn't seem to mean anything to me."

So guardedly did he work, that no one could trace to him, who ever spoke as the friend of their curate, the prejudice which had slowly but surely penetrated the mind of every man against him, and interpreted his simplest action in the worst light.

He jumped boulders, shied around buckthorn, crashed through sagebrush and so brought the girl to bay against a wet bank, where she stood shivering. The terror in her face and her wide eyes would have made her famous in the movies. It made Lone afraid she was crazy. Lone swung off and went up to her guardedly, not knowing just what an insane woman might do when cornered.

"To break up the traffic that's going on and the rancherias they must have somewhere down there. If we don't, I'll not answer for another month." Daly might be new to the neighborhood, but not to the business. "I'll confer with Colonel Byrne," answered Plume guardedly. And Byrne was waiting for them, a tall, dark shadow in the black depths of the piazza.

They were waiting at a corner for a break in the street traffic, and he turned toward her guardedly. "You put it pretty low," he mumbled. "The thing itself is not so bad. From what I have heard and read about Mr. Bassett, I don't think he is really an evil person. He probably didn't start with any sort of ideals of public life: you did.

"I wonder if I haven't done him any good." Looking at her guardedly, through half-closed eyes, he saw that she was strongly moved. Her bosom rose and fell hastily, like short waves lipping a wharf. Her hands were shut tight. "You have been the best friend I ever had," she said. "Don't think I'm not grateful." That came better. He tapped his pipe on the ash-tray at hand.