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"When I want to follow up Cleopatra's fashion, and commit suicide, I am goin' to hire a rattlesnake, and take my poison as she did, on the outside." "Cleopatra?" says he inquiringly. "Is she a Washington lady?" And I says guardedly, "She has lots of relations here, I believe." "Wall," he said, "he thought her name sounded familiar. Then, I can't do any thing for you?" he says.

"I claim the privilege, of course. And after that you have sporting blood, suh? You will desire to take a turn or two foh the honor of the Empire State?" The inference was not quite clear. To develop it I replied guardedly, albeit unwilling to pose as a milksop. "I assuredly am not averse to any legitimate amusement." "That's it," Bill commended.

I could look smart an' sober like him, but that's 'bout all the fur my school-larnin' kerried me, an' yourn didn't reach ter the nex' mile-post an' that I know." Nehemiah's thin lips seemed dry. More than once his tongue appeared along their verges as he nervously moistened them. His small eyes had brightened with an excited look, but he spoke very slowly, and to Laurelia it seemed guardedly.

Creede; you are interested in this, too. In fact," she added mysteriously, "I need your assistance." A slow smile crept into the rough cowboy's eyes as he sat watching her. "What can I do for you?" he inquired guardedly. "Well," answered Lucy, "the situation is like this and I'm not trying to rope you in on anything, as you say, so you needn't look suspicious.

Why had Lord Ashiel suddenly sprung her on them like this? He had not even told Mrs. Haviland that he had invited her until the day before she arrived. Why this mystery? Where had he met her? How long had he known her? To a casual question Juliet had replied guardedly that she had not known him very long, but that he knew her family. Fervently did she hope that what she said was true.

But they're all good. Look out! There goes another of our men! It was Ross who did that! I tell you, be careful! Be careful!" It was an Onondaga who fell this time, and he lay with his head on the window sill until another Indian pulled him inside. A minute later a Tory, who peeped guardedly for a shot, received a bullet through his head, and sank down on the floor.

My girl thinks if a man's clothes are all right he must be a Wall Street magnate, and the rest of the girls are just like her. They're the men that give the oil fields a shady side." In spite of his roughness, Bob liked the freckle-faced person, and he had proved that he was far from stupid. "You've evidently seen tricky oil men," he said guardedly. "Do you work in the oil fields?

He spoke softly and guardedly; and when he was about to make a statement on his sole responsibility or offer a suggestion, he weighed it by drachms and scruples first, with the crook of his little stick placed meditatively to his teeth. His opening speech was perfect. It was perfect in construction, in phraseology, in grammar, in emphasis, in pronunciation everything.

"Ptolemy," I said warningly, "there is a way of telling the truth, or rather of coloring white lies with enough truth to make them deceive, that is more dishonorable than an out and out lie." "Tell me, Ptolemy," asked Silvia, "how did you know about that offer of five thousand dollars for each child?" "I overheard it," he said guardedly; "but I can't remember where."

He was very grave, and took the tone of a fatherly friend; he spoke guardedly of the people present, and moderated the severity of some of Christine's judgments of their looks and costumes. He did this out of a sort of unreasoned allegiance to Margaret, whom he was in the mood of wishing to please by being very kind and good, as she always was.