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The Constitution would permit the selection of the commission to be vested in the Supreme Court if that method would give the best guaranty of impartiality.

Hamilton, having disposed of Jefferson's attempts, under the signature of Aristides, to wriggle out of both these accusations, discoursed upon the disloyal fact that the Secretary of State was the declared opponent of every important measure which had been devised by the Government, and proceeded to lash him for his hypocrisy in sitting daily at the right hand of the President while privately slandering him; of exercising all the arts of an intriguing mind, ripened by a long course of European diplomacy, to undermine an Administration whose solidity was the only guaranty for the continued prosperity and honour of the country.

The election of senators by direct vote; the passage of inheritance and income taxes; the establishment of postal savings banks; the guaranty of bank deposits; the creation of a permanent tariff commission; the conservation of natural resources; an equitable and constitutional employers' liability act, and legislation basing suffrage only upon intelligence and ability to read and write the English language, were the chief planks.

France admires in him not only that intrepidity and celerity in enterprise, that vision and that constancy which are the qualifications of a great general, but pays homage to his virtue to his political talent, which are guaranty of independence and order the essentials of the freedom of the country, which has placed her destiny in his hands." Europe was unanimous in her admiration for Bolivar.

Of course they would not accept as sufficient the guaranty in the Covenant when France and Belgium declined to do it. "How would such a proposal be received in the United States with its traditional policy of avoiding 'entangling alliances'? Of course, when one considers it, the proposal is preposterous and would be laughed at and rejected."

See also Affirmative guaranty; Equality of nations. Balfour, Arthur, signs French alliance. Balkans, Fourteen Points on. See also states by names. Belgium, and Anglo-Franco-American alliance, full sovereignty, Bessarabia disposition,

When it was found that the important town of Flushing was required as part of the guaranty to the Queen, Maurice, as hereditary seignor and proprietor of the place during the captivity of his elder brother in Spain signified his concurrence in the transfer, together with the most friendly feelings towards the Earl of Leicester, and to Sir Philip Sidney, appointed English governor of the town.

For I will tell you a great thing, David: God has given us this double guaranty he has not only said, but sworn it." Thus the two men talked the morning away. Then David remembered that he had come specially to ask the minister to write out his will and take charge of the money he would leave behind and the rents accruing from the hire of his boat and lines.

Ascertaining from a gateman that the Plug Mountain day train had long since gone on its way up the canyon, the young man left his many belongings at the check-stand and had himself driven up-town to the Guaranty Building. It was Eckstein who took his card in Mr. North's outer office. The private secretary was dictating to a stenographer, and was impatient of the interruption.

As is conceivable, along with dogmatic faith in the power of the reason to possess itself of the reality before it and to reconstrue it in the system of science, and with triumphant references to the mathematical method as a guaranty for the absolute certainty of philosophical knowledge, the noëtical question emerges as to the means by which, and the limits within which, human knowledge is able to do justice to this great problem.