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"And there's a travelling tinker in it." With her hands at her throat, she looked into the fire and Miriam looked at her. "I'll ask him to tell it to me," she said, but very soon she returned to the kitchen, grumbling. "What nonsense! It's not respectable, and it isn't even true." "It's as true as anything else," Helen said. "Oh, you're mad. And so is Rupert. Let's have supper and go to bed.

Though, really," in a grumbling voice, "I can't see why you don't stay at home like any sensible girl. If I am not rich, I have at least enough for two." "But if I stayed at home, and lived on you, Dudley, I should feel I had to improve my mind by way of making you some return; and you can't think how dreadfully my mind hates the idea of being improved.

It seemed to Cléo as she lay with her head on the hard sailcloth and her body on the hard sand, covered with the oilskin coat which she had taken off to use as a blanket, that through the league long rumble of the surf she could hear him grumbling still. She did not care. Hard though the floor was she did not mind, she was chloroformed. Chloroformed by the air of Kerguelen.

Hence Nepaul is a warlike state, not merely from the natural disposition of its Ghorka conquerors, but from the inducements held out to them to become soldiers. What would our grumbling agricultural population say to having soldiers billeted in each village, and living on the fat of the land?

Reflections on the conduct of the Allied armies, and conjectures on their future proceedings both of so fantastic a kind, that the duke's gravity often gave way, and even the grim Guiscard sometimes wore a smile. Then came in a letter from some "confrère" in Paris, a tissue of gossip and grumbling, anecdotes of the irregularities of private life, and merciless abuse of the leaders of party.

"That's right, Frank," he exclaimed, after the ordinary salutations of the morning. "Why that old porpoise told me you would not be ready these two hours; he's grumbling out yonder by the stable door, like a hog stuck in a farm-yard gate.

Ironing day is a pretty hard day for all of them, for our family is large, and mother always likes her work done well." "But, if you adopt that system, you'll soon have them grumbling at the merest trifle you may be compelled to ask them to do." "So far from that, Helen, I never make a request of any domestic in the house, that is not instantly and cheerfully met.

He and his partners both as young, hopeful, and inefficient as himself had for three months worked a claim in a mountain mining settlement which yielded them a certain amount of healthy exercise, good-humored grumbling, and exalted independence.

"What is it? What do you want?" said the doctor, in a grumbling voice. "Is it another baby? Upon my word, these " "Signor Dottore, come down, come down instantly! The signore of Monte Amato, the signore of the Casa del Prete has had an accident. You must come at once. I will go to fetch a donkey." The doctor leaned farther out of the window. "An accident! What ?"

A moment later Orme and Bessie had crossed the roomy veranda and were at the door, while the old man, still grumbling, swung around the circle of the drive and rattled away. Orme's heart was pounding. When the servant answered the bell, he drew back and he did not hear the words which Bessie spoke in a low voice. They were ushered into a wide reception-hall, and the servant went to announce them.