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"It is a part of your education, Beth," Miss Smallwood answered precisely. "I know," Beth grumbled, "but couldn't one read about it, and get on a little quicker? I want to know what he did when he got here." "Why, my dear child, how can you be so stupid? You have just said he fought the battle of Hastings." "Yes, but what did the battle of Hastings do?"

"Pooh! as usual, you gentlemen of the nightwatch are badly informed," grumbled the ostler, pushing the dog into a corner. "I know what it was, for one of the theatrical players is a lady lodger of ours.

Ill was the day when, listening to thy words, I undertook this errand; thou art fain to wish that I may be blown to the devil by thy six and thirty barrels of " Fawkes hastily laid his open palm across the mouth of the irate man. "What now?" growled he gruffly, "that thou must cry aloud the contents of thy cellar? Hast not been paid?" "Aye," grumbled the man, drawing back, "for sitting over hell!

'You've stalked bigger game and that has spoilt you, grumbled the Major. 'After Count Sagan, partridges pall. Yet it is a pity. 'I shall bring Valerie here sometimes, of course. I think she'll like the old place almost as much as I do. 'More, since it is the birthplace and home of one John Rallywood, said Counsellor with a twist of his big moustache. 'You lucky, undeserving beggar!

I'se done been young, en I'se now ole, en I ain' never seed de devil stick his mouf in anybody's bizness 'fo' he's axed." She bent over and raked the ashes from her cake with a lightwood splinter. "Dis yer's gwine tase moughty flat-footed," she grumbled as she did so. "O Aunt Ailsey," wailed Betty in despair. The tears shone in her eyes and rolled slowly down her cheeks.

The mother grumbled as she left off mopping the wet floor, and went to the fire to stir it up ready for the kettle, without a word of greeting to her little nephew, or of welcome to her husband. On the contrary, she complained of the trouble of getting tea ready afresh, just when she had put slack on the fire, and had no water in the house to fill the kettle with.

"Served him right," grumbled Snap. "I wish he had taken a dozen falls." They were nearing the end of the lake when they swept around a curve of the shore. At once, Snap, who was in the lead, set up a shout: "There he is!" "And skating for all he is worth!" added Shep. "Hi, you! stop!" yelled Giant. "Stop, you rascal!"

We had our meal which was to be my last good one for many a long day to come and a beauty it was. Even my North of England grammar-school master could not but admit the excellence, although he grumbled at the price. Afterwards we went through into the caffè, and I offered him a good cigar, saying that if he had been undergoing a course of the local vegetable he would appreciate it.

He became contemptuous and irritable and plied his elbows viciously making way for himself and me. A dull affair this. All such cases were dull. No really dramatic moments. The book-keeping of The Orb and all the rest of them was certainly a burlesque revelation but the public did not care for revelations of that kind. Dull dog that de Barral he grumbled.

"Someone's been handin' him an earful," grumbled Cassidy, "an' it might be all he needed to take 'im through the first minute of the round, and maybe the whole round I've seen that did lots o' times." As the two men met the "white hope" was the aggressor.