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Then, as the man walked back to the Styles' farmhouse, the dog turned and disappeared in the bushes as if following a trail. "Don't come here, old lady," muttered the detective, as he stood on guard, with the atomizer ready for use. "If you do you'll be sorry." The mastiff was following Adam Adams' trail and in a minute more she came up and set up a fierce growl.

I think too much of old man Jordan to let his girl run off with a man-killing vagabond like this Perris. He's good looking and he talks dead easy. That's what's turned the trick. I guess the rest of you would back me up?" The answer was a growl. "I'll go bust his neck," said Little Joe furiously. "One of them heart-breakers, I figure."

He won't even take the trouble to quarrel." "And a good thing too," said Prudence shortly. Sarah turned and surveyed the two girls for a moment, an amused expression was in her dreamy eyes. Then she turned back to the window as the first distant growl of the coming storm made itself heard. "Hervey only quarrels when his mind is in a state of stagnation.

Every now and then I could hear Peg stamping in the underbrush. I was almost dozing off again when Bock gave a low growl. No woman of my bulk has a right to be nervous, I guess, but instantly my security vanished! The patter of the rain seemed menacing, and I imagined a hundred horrors. I was totally alone and unarmed, and Bock was not a large dog. He growled again, and I felt worse than before.

He was extremely quiet and good-tempered at ordinary times, except that he would not allow any stranger to touch him; but when at all excited, his hair bristled from his neck to his tail, and his low, formidable growl, gave a warning which few men would have been inclined to despise, indeed, of the many rough characters in the camp, there was not one who would not rather have faced a man with a revolver in his hand than have ventured upon a conflict with Turk.

The men were all well armed, and instructed how to act in any possible emergency that was to be met with in the business which brought them on shore. On the whole body pressed in silence, through a tangled and narrow path, being more than once startled by the growl of some wild animal, whose haunts they disturbed.

Then he swung it into a lively blaze, let fly, and sent it whirling into the hollow among the rocks. Hardly had the firebrand disappeared when there came a savage growl and some whines, and from the hollow leaped a female wildcat with a little one in her teeth. After the two came another little one.

We have seen each other upright, sitting or crucified in the second of broad daylight which came into the bowels of the earth to resurrect our darkness. In a moment, when the guns chance to take breath, a voice at the door-hole calls us: "Forward!" "We shall be staying there, this time over!" growl the men. They say this, but they do not know it. We go out, into a chaos of crashing and flames.

But your ferocious growl isn't as loud as the tick of a beetle or one of Ojo's snores when he's fast asleep." "Perhaps," said the Woozy, humbly, "I have been mistaken about my growl. It has always sounded very fearful to me, but that may have been because it was so close to my ears." "Never mind," Ojo said soothingly; "it is a great talent to be able to flash fire from your eyes.

As she spoke, the runner directed his course to the garden. Louise's little dog ran to meet him, barking furiously, but came back, to cower, creep, and growl behind its mistress; for even dumb animals can distinguish when men are driven on by the furious energy of irresistible passion, and dread to cross or encounter them in their career.