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Calais up and doing at the railway station, and Calais down and dreaming in its bed; Calais with something of 'an ancient and fish- like smell' about it, and Calais blown and sea-washed pure; Calais represented at the Buffet by savoury roast fowls, hot coffee, cognac, and Bordeaux; and Calais represented everywhere by flitting persons with a monomania for changing money though I never shall be able to understand in my present state of existence how they live by it, but I suppose I should, if I understood the currency question Calais en gros, and Calais en detail, forgive one who has deeply wronged you.

In that salute, however, there passed between the two men something of significance; which, if exhibited to the eyes of the spectators, would have explained the indifference to death that from that moment characterised the demeanour of Le Gros.

She remained for a few moments in thought. Then she said: "C'est drôle, tout de même. I haven't seen the sea for forty years, and now I can't sleep of nights thinking of it. The first man I loved was a fisherman of Paimpol. We were to be married after he returned from an Iceland voyage, with a gros bénéfice. When the time came for his return, I would stand on the shore and watch and watch the sea.

"How's that?" inquired a fresh speaker, who appeared to dissent from the opinions of those that had preceded him. "Why should he expect to die any more than the rest of us?" "You forget, mate, that the fight was not finished between him and Monsieur Le Gros?" "No, I don't forget it. Well?" "Well, yourself!" "It don't follow he was to be the next to die, not as I can see. Look at this, comrades!

The King of Naples does not wish to leave the fine climate of his dominions, Berthier wishes to enjoy the diversion of the chase at his estate of Gros Bois, and Rapp is impatient to be back to his hotel in Paris. Would you believe it," pursued Rapp, "that neither Murat nor Berthier said a word in reply? and the ball again came to me.

Their presence, notwithstanding, was probably of great service to the Dawn, for here had been a communication between Monsieur Le Gros and the battery, by means of a small boat sent from the latter, and we should have been very likely to have a messenger, in the shape of a shot, sent after us, when it was seen we continued to stand across for the main instead of tacking for the designated anchorage, had not the men in the battery had the higher game of the frigate in view.

The Gros Ventres of the prairie, of Arapaho stock, known to the Blackfeet as At-séna, or Gut People, had been friends and allies of the Blackfeet from the time they first came into the country, early in this century, up to about the year 1862, when, according to Clark, peace was broken through a mistake.

"Not another word; and I beg your pardon most heartily for having given you this moment's annoyance." "There is one of the lessees there," said M. Le Gros, pointing back to the gentleman on the top of the steps, "who has been to hear you and to look at you this two times this three times at 'The Embankment. He do think you will become the grand singer of the age."

Even the dipping paddles made no noise, though sometimes there was a gurgle, as though a fish had broken the water behind them; sometimes, in the shining pools ahead, she saw the trout leap out. At every startling flop Delphin would exclaim: "Un gros!" From an upper branch of a spruce a kingfisher darted like an arrow into the water, making a splash like a falling stone.

U we do!" I jumped upon my feet, snatched my bow and arrows and rushed out of the teepee, frantically yelling as I went. "Stop! stop!" screamed Uncheedah, and caught me by my long hair. By this time the Gros Ventres had encircled our camp, sending volleys of arrows and bullets into our midst. The women were digging ditches in which to put their children. My uncle was foremost in the battle.