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The boy put out his hand gropingly, turning his head with the pitiful uncertainty of the blind. "Susan, you are there, aren't you?" Susan caught her breath chokingly, and strode into the room with a brisk clatter. "Here? Sure I'm here but so dumb with amazement an' admiration that I couldn't open my head to see you standin' there all dressed like that! What did I tell you? I knew you could do it.

He repeatedly left the literary cloister in which Ozanam had imprisoned himself, and had read secular works so as to be able to judge of them. This province he entered gropingly, like a child in a vault, seeing nothing but shadow around him, perceiving in this gloom only the gleam of the candle which illumed the place a few paces before him.

Sometimes a plank had been thrown along it, or bricks, but generally there was nothing but mud to plough through. "Halt!" came the command to the section I was with. "This is our shelter, monsieur," said a voice. Gropingly, I followed the speaker on hands and knees. The shelter was about 12 feet long, 3 feet 6 inches high, the same in width, and made of old boards.

She crossed to the door and opened it to darkness and rain, and to a man in a raincoat, who whipped off a spattered cap and stood smiling in the light of the lamp she held. Instantly, with a sort of gasp of surprise and pleasure and some deeper emotion, she set down the lamp, and held out her hands gropingly and went into his arms.

Yet he heard, he understood, and though sight failed, he moved his hand gropingly over the covering. They knew what he meant, and guided it to her head, bowed and hidden in her hands, when she had sunk in her woe. It rested there with a feeble pressure of endearment. The face grew beautiful, as the soul neared God. A peace beyond understanding came over it.

But if he did not understand her property, if she did not find the words that must be found? If she should lose him thereby? She was overcome with terror, she turned pale, and stretched out her hands gropingly like one who requires a support. But she remained erect. Then rather lose him than that he should be lost.

She offered Joe her hand between the bars; his went forward to meet it gropingly, for it lacked the guidance of his eyes. Joe was honey-bound, like an eager bee in the heart of some great golden flower, tangled and leashed in a thousand strands of her hair.

"You mean it is all over you stay out here for good you " said John Wingfield, Sr. gropingly. Then another figure appeared in the doorway and Jack's eyes returned from the distances to rest on it fondly. In response to an impulse that he could not control, Peter Mortimer was peering timidly into the sick-room. "Why, Peter!" exclaimed Jack, happily.

"Had I liberated him I should probably have lied to you about it; therefore, I wonder not that you should disbelieve me. But I tell you again upon my salvation that I know nothing of the stealing of the keys nor of Tom-Tom's escape. Believe me or not, I shall deny it no more." Madge gropingly went to Sir George's side, and he tenderly put his arms about her, saying:

Also, he was talking that way. Consequently, and what with the distress of being dismissed from the McKaye service in such cavalier fashion, the general manager decided to twist out from under that terrible grasp on his shoulder. Instantly, Donald released from this support, swayed and clutched gropingly for Mr. Daney's person. "Dizzy," he panted. "Head's on strike. Mr.