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There were oh, the gallant creatures! I hear their neigh upon the wind; there were goodliest sight of all certain enormous quadrupeds only seen to perfection in our native isle, led about by dapper grooms, their manes ribanded and their tails curiously clubbed and balled. Ha! ha! how distinctly do they say, ha! ha!

"An old acquaintance," replied Grimaud. "You?" and the wounded man sought to recall the features of the person now before him. "Under what circumstances did we meet?" he asked again. "One night, twenty years ago, my master fetched you from Bethune and conducted you to Armentieres." "I know you well now," said the executioner; "you were one of the four grooms." "Just so."

Her horses are always decked with flowers and ribbons fluttering from the gold harness, and the grooms know how to drive them too! Well, every one thought that our young lord and the handsome widow would marry; and it was a terrible blow to the hapless Heliodora when nothing came of it she looks like a saint and is as soft as a kitten.

And, as it happened, I was very soon to have another peep at it, for a most unexpected event befell us as we drew up in front of the Crown hotel. A swarm of ostlers and grooms had rushed out to us, and my uncle, throwing down the reins, gathered Fidelio on his cushion from under the seat. "Ambrose," he cried, "you may take Fidelio." But there came no answer. The seat behind was unoccupied.

There was a throng ahead of them brides, grooms, parents, and witnesses of various nationalities. All of them looked shabby and common, even to Kedzie in her humility. All over the world couples were mating, as the birds and animals and flowers and chemicals mate in their seasons. The human pairs advertised their union by numberless rites of numberless religions and non-religions.

But at the first embrace bestowed upon the horse by the grooms the colonel said absently, "Ah! long-lost brother," and Kitty laughed; and as the scruples of each brute were successively overcome, she helped to give some grotesque interpretation to the various scenes of the melodrama, while Mr.

On a ring round the fox's neck was the following inscription: 'FROM JACK BRAGG TO HIS COUSIN DICK. Mr. Puffington having drawn up his mail-phaeton, and thrown the ribbons to the active grooms at the horses' heads in the true coaching style, proceeded to descend from his throne, and had reached the ground ere he was aware of the presence of a stranger.

In the afternoon, one of the governor's grooms strolled into a stable where John Ballard was cleaning a horse. John Ballard was a son of liberty; and when the groom idly remarked in nervous English "about what would occur to-morrow," John's heart leaped and his hand shook, and, asking the groom to finish cleaning the horse, he ran to a friend, who carried the news straight to Paul Revere.

Talking of vows, it was remarked by the spectators that the groom made his promises and engagements in a more decided tone of voice, a less embarrassed manner than usual; for, strange to say, your grooms, happy men, are often awkward, miserable swains enough in appearance; though it would be uncharitable in the extreme, not to suppose them always abounding in internal felicity.

Here and there one more diligent burnishes his arms, and another grooms his horse.