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To the weary mind of the American there was an agreeable balm in the groom's fund of anecdote, and even in the odoriferousness of the stable itself. Reaching the end of that line, Mathews proposed that before they went any farther they should go to an adjoining shed and inspect a litter of little hounds that were blinking in amazement at their second day's view of the world.

Dick feared the passing of the minutes which would bring back the chaplain, and yet every minute seemed an eternity. The conflict ravaged his very soul. Was he to take the chance offered him by the strangest trick of Destiny, or remain and die like a rat caught in a trap? 'Mas'r Dick. The door was quietly opened. The old groom's hand fell on his arm and drew him firmly outwards.

The cunning Yorkshire groom's eye twinkled at this, and he remained passive a minute or two: then, said suddenly, with well-acted fervor, "I can't keep the pony waiting in the cold, like this;" applied the whip, and rattled off with such decision, that Grace did not like to interfere, especially as George was known to be one of those hard masters, an old servant. So, by this little ruse, Mr.

I remember still the mingled trepidation and delicious excitement with which I was affected by the tramping of the horses on the pavement in the echoing stables, by the loud resonance of the groom's voices, by the booming bark of the dogs as my father's carriage thundered under the archway of the courtyard, by the din of the gong as it gave notice of luncheon and dinner.

A little later, when he was at home on a vacation, he was riding with several neighbors around a pond. The banks of the pond were very steep. Suddenly Otto heard a cry behind him. Turning he saw that a groom's horse had stumbled and pitched the rider into deep water. The man was terribly frightened, and it was evident that he either did not know how to swim or was too excited to try to do so.

He jumped up from the cot on which he had been sitting and picked up the groom's tile. "Didn't you bring me a hat?" dismayed. "You said nothing about it," and I roared with laughter. "How shall I get out of here? I can't wear this thing through the streets." "I've a mind to make you wear it. And, by Jove, you shall! You'll wear it to the hatter's, or stay here. That's final.

They made it plain to all that they had just been married and were proud of it. Their baggage was brand-new, and the groom's shoes were shiny with that pristine shininess which, once destroyed, can never be restored; and the bride wore her going-and-giving-away outfit. Just prior to sailing and on the morning after they were all over the ship.

"No; I see that my groom is up, and there is a light in my father's study. I'll tap at the groom's window." "Come in av yer feet's clean," was Dan's response to the tap, as he opened the shutters and flattened his nose against a pane of glass in order to observe the intruder. "Dan, open the back door and let me in!" "Hallo! Mister Kenneth!" Dan vanished at once, and opened the door.

It is part of a groom's duty in small households to attend to the cleaning of his mistress's hunting boots and skirt, but a combination garment should not be cleaned by a male servant.

Mirabel had reached the station five minutes too late; the coachman had left him waiting the arrival of the next train to the North. He would now receive the telegraphic message at Belford, and might return immediately by taking the groom's horse. Mrs. Delvin left it to Emily to decide whether she would proceed by herself to Redwood Hall, or wait for Mirabel's return.