United States or Heard Island and McDonald Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Is he ill?" "He's in jail," replied the other gloomily. "He couldn't bear to see his old folks starving so he broke into a grocery, he and his brother and now they're both in prison." For a moment the lines on Pelle's forehead were terribly deep and gloomy; he stood gazing blindly into space; the radiant expression left his countenance, which was filled with a pitying gravity.

At that timid phrasing of hers Henry felt that his heart was actually strangling, as if some one were holding it back on its systolic swing, like a caught pendulum. "Why, Annie," he said, "I never thought " But inevitably and of course it had happened. The young man's name was Willis Fred E. Willis already credit man in a large wholesale grocery firm and two feet well on the road to advancement.

He did mighty well to carry in stock the things that people needed. But here was a revolutionary method a new deal. Henry Rogers' father said it was initiative gone mad, and would last only a few weeks. Henry Rogers' mother said otherwise, and Henry agreed with her. He had clerked in his father's grocery, and so knew something of the business.

He accordingly went into the grocery and bought some crackers and cheese, which he sat down by the stove and ate. "Are you going farther?" asked the same young man who had questioned him before. "I shall go back to Newark to-night," said Phil. "Let me try your violin." "Can you play?" asked Phil, doubtfully, for he feared that an unpracticed player might injure the instrument. "Yes, I can play.

"Coffee, maybe perhaps sugar, or tobacco. Or why not the whole food supply of the people let me have meat and sugar where I will have flour and grain, and in ten years no man in America can open his grocery store in the morning until he has asked John Barclay for the key." He snapped his eyes good-naturedly at the general, challenging the man's approval.

And so selflessly and insensibly were the riches of his mind and nature communicated to the community that innocent little Concord could not quite help believing that its wealth and renown were somehow a creation of its own. The loafers in Walcott & Holden's grocery store were, in their own estimation, of heroic stature, because of the unegoistic citizen who dwelt over yonder among the pines.

At the close of the first day the future capital of what has for many years been a State had a population of several thousand inhabitants living in tents, and within a hundred days a population of fifteen thousand people, mostly men, an electric system in operation, a street-railway under contract, streets, alleys, parks, boulevards, stores, and bridges, four thousand houses under construction, five banks, fifteen hotels, fifty grocery stores, six printing-offices, and three daily papers about as striking and unpleasant a contrast to that peaceful life on the St.

The boy got his breath and said it wasn't him that put the cat up there. He said it was the policeman, and he and his chum saw him do it, and he just come in to tell the grocery man about it, and before he could speak he had his neck nearly pulled off. The boy began to cry, and the grocery man said he was only joking, and gave him a box of sardines, and they made up.

The second morning that Pap Briggs ate this eggless breakfast he suggested that perhaps Sally might buy a few eggs at the grocery. "Pap Briggs," she exclaimed reproachfully, "the idee of you sayin' sich a thin! As if I would cook packed eggs! No; we'll wait, and mebby the hens will begin layin' again in a day or two."

It was Saturday, and John and Ezra were almost sure to be in town. She thought of that, and how pleasant it would be to hear from the folks: so much pleasanter than to be always facing them on their own ground, and never on hers. At the grocery she came upon Ezra, mounted on a wagon-load of meal-bags, and just gathering up the reins. "Hullo!" he called. "You didn't walk?"