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They flew up to Griselda, who felt for a moment as if she were really going to be suffocated by them, but only for a moment. There seemed a great buzz and flutter about her, and then the butterflies set to work to dress her. And how do you think they dressed her? With themselves! They arranged themselves all over her in the cleverest way.

And I'm not sure that I care for seeing any more countries of that kind, unless you could take me to the real fairyland." "I can't do that, you know," said the cuckoo. Just then a faint "soughing" sound among the branches suggested another idea to Griselda. "Cuckoo," she exclaimed, "take me to the sea. It's such a time since I saw the sea. I can fancy I hear it; do take me to see it."

"How strange and queer everything seems!" thought Griselda, as she got into bed. "I don't feel as if I belonged to it a bit. And they are all so old; perhaps they won't like having a child among them?" The very same thought that had occurred to the rooks!

"It just isn't one of the Chinese dolls' shoes, and if you don't believe me, you can go and look for yourself," said Griselda. "It's my very own shoe, and it was given me to my own self." Dorcas looked at her curiously, but said no more, only as she was going out of the room Griselda heard her saying something about "so very like Miss Sybilla."

"Griselda is so handsome," said Mrs. Granby one day, in her defence, "she has such talents she has been so much admired, worshipped, and indulged that it would be wonderful if she were not a little spoiled. I dare say that, if I had been in her place, my brain would never have stood the intoxication. Who can measure their strength, or their weakness, till they are tried?

Why was Ludovic so slow in that affair of Griselda Grantly? why so often in these latter winter days did he saunter over to the parsonage? And then that terrible visit to Gatherum Castle! What actually did happen at Gatherum Castle, she never knew. We, however, are more intrusive, less delicate in our inquiries, and we can say. He had a very bad day's sport with the West Barsetshire.

She had gone so far as to tell her young friend what were her own wishes; she had declared her desire that Griselda should become her daughter-in-law; but in answer to this Griselda herself had declared nothing.

At this the women all arose, overjoyed, from the tables, and, taking Griselda into the chamber, they clothed her with her own noble apparel, and as a marchioness, resembling such a one even in rags, and brought her into the hall. And being extremely rejoiced with her son and daughter, and every one expressing the utmost satisfaction at what had come to pass, the feasting was prolonged many days.

"But it'll stop the clock," said Griselda. "Aunt Grizzel said I was never to touch the weights or the chains." "Stuff," said the cuckoo; "it won't stop the clock. Catch hold of the chains and swing yourself up. There now I told you you could manage it." "We're all nodding, nid-nid-nodding." How she managed it she never knew; but, somehow or other, it was managed.

And I'm not sure that I care for seeing any more countries of that kind, unless you could take me to the real fairyland." "I can't do that, you know," said the cuckoo. Just then a faint "soughing" sound among the branches suggested another idea to Griselda. "Cuckoo," she exclaimed, "take me to the sea. It's such a time since I saw the sea. I can fancy I hear it; do take me to see it."