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He sat for hours alone in his office, waiting for news of the men he had sent after Sanderson; and as the interval of their absence grew longer the dark forebodings that had assailed him when within hearing distance of the firing seized him again grew more depressing, and he sat, gripping the arms of his chair, a clammy perspiration stealing over him.

Another was the tall, attenuated Chief Wambold; and the party whom he was gripping by the arm yes, it was none other than Hugh's late visitor, Nick Lang!

"That way my hands are clean," replied Duane. "You never held up a man, robbed a store for grub, stole a horse when you needed him bad never anything like that?" "Somehow I always kept out of that, just when pressed the hardest." "Duane, I'm damn glad!" MacNelly exclaimed, gripping Duane's hand.

Without a word he drew her close within his arm, her hair blowing across his face, her hand gripping his shoulder. It was thus they came forth amid the clearer starlight upon the ridge summit. Again and again as they moved slowly he strove to speak, to utter some word of comfort, of sympathy.

Marbolt, not his foreman. That, I believe," he added, pointing to the building on the hill, "is his house." Without waiting for a reply he stepped aside, and would have moved on. But Jake had swung round, and his hand fell heavily upon his shoulder. "No, you don't, my dandy cock!" he cried violently, his fingers painfully gripping the muscle under the Norfolk jacket.

'It's the ring I gave Marjorie for an engagement ring. Give it me, you hound! unless you wish me to do you violence in the cab. With complete disregard of the limitations of space, or of my comfort, Lessingham thrust him vigorously aside. Then gripping Sydney by the wrist, he seized the gaud, Sydney yielding it just in time to save himself from being precipitated into the street.

Nothing you can say will have the slightest effect, so you may as well not say it." He stood by Val's chair, laughing down at him and gently gripping him by the shoulder. "Be a man, Val! you're not nineteen now. You've got a comfortable job and the esteem of all who know you take it and be thankful: it's more than you deserve. If you must indulge in a hair shirt, wear it under your clothes.

The inhabitants of the jungle may expect an ambush at any moment. The lonely Colonel waited, gripping his rifle hard. He relates himself that he felt more and more anxious as time went on. He knew that the lion would come to feed on the ass, for no cry of distress was heard from the adjacent camps. Hist! that sounds like a small twig breaking under a weight.

For a moment he paused, and then the child saw the old overseer's huge fist gripping spasmodically, and the big muscles of his arms and shoulders rolling beneath the folds of his coat, as a crouching lion's skin rolls around beneath his mane before he springs. Again and again it gripped, and relaxed gripped and relaxed again.

Grumer, with his Brigade, was guarding the Drifts, and when the Relief might be expected was now a moss-grown topic of general conversation in Gueldersdorp. And within her girdle of trenches, stern, grimy, haggard men lived, cheek to the heated rifle-breech, and ate, and snatched brief spells of sleep, booted and bandoliered, and with the loaded weapon ready for gripping.