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Gripping me as an octopus grips its prey, she proceeded to faint, dragging me to my knees beneath the weight of eleven stone of solid flesh. "Ah!" said one of the Zulus not unkindly, "she is much afraid for her husband whom she loves."

Then something happened which might almost be said to have delighted her if it were not for the strain of benumbing fear that was gripping her. Jake went around in front of the machine to crank it. For one moment the strong acetylene light from one of the lamps fell full upon his face. Helen recognized it. Her surmise as to his identity was not a mistake.

Her dread for her father was submerged in a larger dread of the future and what it might bring, of what might be expected of her, of pains and perils once so far away they seemed as if she would never reach them, now suddenly close to her, laying a gripping hand on her heart.

The next instant he moved forward, and for the first time she saw him deliberately punch the gesticulating negro's woolly head. Beelzebub cried out like a whipped dog and slunk back. Then, very calmly, Curtis took him by the scruff of his neck, and began to question him. Sybil stood, gripping the curtain, and watched it all as one watches a scene on the stage.

The isolation barrage which Wolfgar had flung around us was dissolving. Someone something was in the room, breaking down the barrage, struggling to get at us. We stood huddled together; Elza clinging to me, Georg beside us, and Wolfgar, gripping the small cylinder which was glowing red in his hand from intense heat. Georg muttered something; the snapping sparks of the barrage blurred his words.

"Thank you very much, sir," replied Frank gripping his hand and greatly taken at once by the Political Officer's appearance and friendly manner. "It was very kind of you to send those guns for me. But I had no luck. We saw nothing on the way." After greeting him Colonel Dermot bent over his wife and kissed her fondly.

And then, "I am sorry I said what I did. It was an impulse. We are all imperfect. I've often been unkind myself." Bertram stood gripping the rail before him as one caught and held by a new emotion. When he spoke, his voice was low and rather hard. At the first tone of it, she shrank from the daimon in him. "If you only cared enough to call me down! That's the trouble with you.

Under certain circumstances as, for instance, hats, baby linen, gloves, silks, lace, or curtains he would simply have bowed politely, and with a drooping expression, and making a kind of circular sweep, invited you to "step this way," and so led you beyond his ken; but under other and happier conditions, huckaback, blankets, dimity, cretonne, linen, calico, are cases in point, he would have requested you to take a seat, emphasising the hospitality by leaning over the counter and gripping a chair back in a spasmodic manner, and so proceeded to obtain, unfold, and exhibit his goods for your consideration.

The round mouth of the gun shook ever so slightly in the excited hand gripping it, but in the blazing look she turned on him was the unshaken, imperious passion of a woman swept absolutely beyond all fear. Meeting that look Hamdi Bey stood extremely still and made no sound.

Gripping his nose and jaw, I had doubled up my leg and thrust my knee into his stomach, which was of course cruel punishment when, just then " A slight cough made Mr. Penrose turn quickly. Miss Mattie Gaskett, whose eyes were nearly as large as Mr. Cone's at this version of the encounter, was standing behind him with "Cutie" in a wicker basket. Mr.