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Apparently she saw none, for her own look flamed to fresh defiance. 'I didn't spend it. Saunders wor lyin. ''Ow did yer get them half-crowns? 'I got 'em at Bedford. Mr. Grimstone give 'em me. Isaac looked at her hard, his shame burning into his heart. This was how she had got her money for the gin.

Grimstone really did arrive at this point, much to Paul's relief, and looked in to give a grip of the hand and a few words to those of the boys he had not seen. Biddlecomb, Tipping, and the rest, came in with him, and the schoolroom soon filled with others arriving by later trains, amongst the later comers being the two house-masters, Mr. Blinkhorn and Mr.

Bultitude; "say it out at once; it will make no difference to me, I give you warning!" "Oh, yes it will, though. I think it will. Wait. I heard all you said to Grimstone in the study to-day about that girl Connie Davenant, you know." "I don't care; I am innocent. I have nothing to reproach myself with." "What a liar you are!" said Chawner, more in admiration than rebuke.

With the gold and the deeds I sent several letters; to my father, my sister, my brother, Dr. Grimstone, Squire Bozard, and lastly to Lily herself. In these letters I gave an account of my life and fortunes since I had come to Spain, for I gathered that others which I had sent had never reached England, and told them of my resolution to follow de Garcia to the ends of the earth.

Anstey Guthrie never excelled it in the letter dictated by Dr. Grimstone to his pupils at Crichton House. "MY DEAR PARENTS. The anticipation of our Christmas vacation abounds in peculiar delights.

"Take your time, Bultitude," said the latter, after a long minute, in which a little skeleton clock on the mantelpiece ticked loudly "there's no hurry, my boy." But this only reminded Paul that there was every need for hurry Chawner might come in, and follow him here, unless he made haste. Still, he could only say, "You see me in a very agitated state, Dr. Grimstone a very agitated state, sir."

Grimstone? In the library, eh? Very well, I will see him there." And leaving Roly with the nurse, he went down to the library; not, if the truth must be told, without a slight degree of nervousness, unreasonable and unaccountable enough now, but quite beyond his power to control.

It was all over; Paul saw that too well, he dashed frantically from the fatal billiard-room, and in the hall met Boaler preparing to admit the visitor. "Don't open the door!" he screamed. "Keep him out, you mustn't let him in. It's Dr. Grimstone."

Grimstone for his part enjoyed the exercise, and had no idea that he was not a thoroughly welcome and valued playmate. But though it was pleasant to outsiders to see a schoolmaster permitting himself to share in the recreation of his pupils, it must be owned that to the latter the advantages of the arrangement seemed something more than dubious. Mr.

Grimstone visited this breach of etiquette with stern promptness. "This conduct at table is disgraceful, sir perfectly disgraceful unworthy of a civilised being. I have been a teacher of youth for many years, and never till now did I have the pain of seeing a pupil of mine choke in his breakfast-cup with such deplorable ill-breeding.