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Bultitude hasn't told us yet how he came out here after us." "Oh," he said, "I? I came out here, after you, to say that Dr. Grimstone will not require the St. James' Gazette. He wants the Globe and, ah, the Star instead." It did not sound a very probable combination; but Paul used the first names that occurred to him, and, as it happened, aroused no suspicions, for the boys read no newspapers.

After all, it's nature, you know, isn't it?" "I beg your pardon?" said Dr. Grimstone very stiffly. "I mean," explained Dick, with a perilous approach to digging the other in the ribs, "we did much the same sort of thing in our time, eh? I'm sure I did lots of times!" "I can't reproach myself on that head, Mr.

Grimstone," he said with polite determination, "I'm not a man to complain without good reason, but really I must ask you to interfere. Will you tell this boy here, on my right, either to control his feelings or to cry into his pocket-handkerchief, like an ordinary human being? A good honest bellow I can understand, but this infernal whiffling and sniffing, sir, I will not put up with.

Grimstone," he said, "but your coming at this time forces me to ask if there is any unusual reason for, for my having the a pleasure of seeing you here?" "I am exceedingly distressed to have to say that there is," said the Doctor solemnly, "or I should not have troubled you at this hour. Try to compose yourself, my dear sir, to bear this blow." "I will," said Paul, "I will try."

"Yes, it will," said Chawner irritably, "it will you mayn't mean to tell of anyone but yourself; but directly Grimstone asks you questions, it all comes out. I know all about it. And, anyway, I forbid you to go up till I give you leave." "And who the dooce are you?" said Mr. Bultitude, nettled at this assumption of authority. "How are you going to prevent me, may I ask?"

He might have gone on still further to calumniate himself, and excite general envy and admiration thereby, if at that moment Dr. Grimstone had not happened to appear at the head of the cast-iron staircase that led down into the playground; whereupon Mr.

Grimstone whom I had retained whose portrait it was, and she replied with a scared look, 'Horace, youngest son of Sir Algernon Wimpole, who died here in 1745. "'The face fascinates me, I said. 'Is there any history attached to it? "'Why, yes, sir! she responded, her eyes fixed on the floor, 'but the late master never liked referring to it. "'Is it as bad as that? I said, laughing. 'Tell me!

Grimstone, saying what pain it gave me to hear you misbehaved yourself, and telling him, if he ever caught you setting an example of any sort, mind that, any sort, in the future he was to, ah, to remember some of Solomon's very sensible remarks on the subject. So I should strongly advise you to take care what you're about in future, for your own sake!"

"Then let the being for I will not call him boy who is known to me, step forth and confess his fault publicly, and sue for pardon!" thundered the Doctor, now warmed to his theme. But the being declined from a feeling of modesty, and a faint hope that somebody else might, after all, be the person aimed at. "Then I name him!" stormed Dr. Grimstone; "Cornelius Coggs stand up!"

Grimstone though he was hardly likely to be impressed by these exhibitions of noble candour, and did not fail to see that the prospect of obtaining better terms for the penitent himself had something to do with them yet encouraged the system as a matter of policy, went thoroughly into the whole affair, and made it the cause of an explosion which he considered would clear the moral atmosphere for some time to come.