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"Our task is accomplished; we have now to converse, and this place appears excellent for an explanation of this sort." "As you please, monsieur;" and they got off their horses. Then Ernanton said, "You know, monsieur, that without any cause on my part, you have during the whole journey insulted me grievously.

Uninfluenced by any religious faith, and disregarding all social conventionalities, her guiding principle in everything was the theory of human justice which she had arrived at after suffering so grievously from the injustice that had killed her husband.

He has paid his debt like an honest man ay, and moreover, he is at rest from all persecutions, and troubles, and afflictions, of which, Cot knows, and I know, he had his own share Ochree! Ochree! he was a promising youth indeed!" So saying he groaned grievously, and began to whine in such a manner, as persuaded me he had a real friendship for me.

It happened to me, on another occasion to be grievously tried, and much spoken against on account of a certain affair, of which I will speak hereafter, by almost everybody in the place where I am living, and by the members of my Order.

There was but one thing to be done. Reluctant as they might be to abandon their fallen leader, it must be done. Already they were suffering grievously from John, the black-jack, and the lightning blows of the Kid. For a moment they hung, wavering, then stampeded in half-a-dozen different directions, melting into the night whence they had come.

When they came to the slaine body of Lepolemus, Charites threw her selfe upon him weeping and lamenting grievously for his death, in such sort, that she would have presently ended her life, upon the corps of her slaine husband, whom shee so entirely loved, had it not beene that her parents and friends did comfort her, and pulled her away.

Patziki's card party on Garfield Boulevard and a dinner to the French ambassador at the Danner's. It made little difference whether she could write or not, so long as she had the "entry" as he called it. At any rate he would try her. So Milly began her new career as journalist with much enthusiasm and a sense of self-importance that had been grievously lacking in her enterprises for some time.

In every way appeareth it that you are good knight, for, but for the goodness of your knighthood, the coffin wherein the knight lieth had never opened so lightly, nor would you never have had the sword nor the cloth, nor never till now hath knight entered therein but either he were slain there, or departed thence wounded right grievously."

The robbery was clearly traced to this clerk, who was arrested, tried, and sentenced to three years imprisonment in the Penitentiary. "It seems that all your charity was lost on that young scoundrel, Blake," said the individual whose conversation with Mr. May has just been given. "Poor fellow!" was the pitying reply. "I am most grievously disappointed in him.

Alas! were it not for some to stand at the gates of this city for instruction, and the encouragement of those that will at that day in earnest be looking after life, they might labour as in other things for very, very vanity; and might also be so grievously beat out of heart and spirit, that they might die in despair.