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The stable-keeper, who, it may be remembered, once exchanged a few playful words with Mr. Gridley, got a hint from some of these unfeeling young men, and offered the resources of his stable to the youth supposed to be in peril. "I 've got a faast colt, Mr.

Gridley, clad like a gentleman, and tilting comfortably in his chair as he smoked a cigar that neither love nor money could have bought in Angels, was jocosely sarcastic. Hallock, shirt-sleeved, unkempt, and with the permanent frown deepening the furrow between his eyes, neither tilted nor smoked.

It seemed impossible to offer effective resistance to the heavy college men now. Gridley hearts sank from sheer weight. Gridley had met more than its match! It was almost a touchdown for Cobber when Ben Badger rallied his men enough to fight the college men back some twenty-odd yards. But then the tide turned once more, and Cobber began to fight its way back to the High School goal line.

What could she answer, if she had plotted with this "dreadful man" against a young and innocent girl, to deliver her over into his hands, at the risk of all her earthly hopes and happiness? Master Gridley waited long and patiently for any answer she might have the force to make. As she made none, he took upon himself to settle the whole matter without further torture of his helpless victim.

"If Ripley can do that one so much like a veteran, then he knows other styles of tossing, too. I'm glad for Gridley High School -mighty glad. I wouldn't mind on personal grounds, either, if only -if " "If Fred Ripley were only a half decent fellow," Harry Hazelton finished for him. Coach Luce soon dismissed the squad for the day. A few minutes later the boys left the gym. in groups.

They are young fellows who glory in being in training all the year around. Speight writes me that he thinks he has the finest, strongest and most alert boys in the United States." "We'll whip them, just the same," announced Dick coolly. "Gridley will, if anyone can -I know that," agreed Mr. Morton. "You've won all four games that you've played this season.

Those to whom Gridley was no more than a name on volumes one never read came because the portrait was by Fallères, and those who had no interest in the world of art came to honor the moralist whose noble clear-thinking had simplified the intimate problems of modern life.

The old gym. and field work of training for the Gridley High School teams had hardened their muscles in a way that stood them in good stead now. "Brace, mister!" commanded Yearling Judson, focusing his gaze on smarting Bert Dodge. Bert knew what that meant, from hearsay, and didn't pretend that he didn't.

"Why, for what you managed to do to hold the school eleven together. That was clever newspaper work, Prescott. And it has helped the school a lot. I'm no longer uneasy about Gridley High School on the gridiron for this season. We'll have a team now!" With a confident nod the coach strolled away.

Just at this present moment Dodge and Bayliss were back in the home town. Deeply and properly humiliated by the contempt with which they were regarded in Gridley, these two "soreheads" had concealed from all but members of their families the fact that they were in town. Bert had secured from his father the keys of the cottage. Two cots had been placed in a front room.