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So all Pine Cone was on the war path and Truedale, heedless and unaware, took his air and exercise at his peril. The men of the hills had a clear case now, since Peter Greyson had given his evidence, which, by the way, became more conclusive hour by hour as imagination, intoxication, and the delight of finding himself important, grew upon Greyson.

While she sat thus the door opened, and before she was aware of his presence, Herbert Greyson entered the room and came softly to her side. Ere she could speak to him he dropped upon one knee at her feet and bowed his young head lowly over the hand that he took and pressed to his lips. Then he arose and stood before her.

And when they had laughed over their mutual adventures and misadventures, Herbert and Capitola took leave and returned to their hotel. Herbert Greyson was the most serious of the whole family. Upon reaching the hotel he went to his own room and fell into deep reflection.

The sculptor watched all that went on about them, waiting with some inward impatience for the moment when the duty of escorting Mrs. Greyson on board would give him an opportunity of being a moment alone with her. "We shall miss you much," he said, feeling that any thing would be better than the silence which hedged them in amid the noisy bustle of the throng.

Here they found Major Warfield's carriage waiting for him, and here they were to separate Major Warfield and Capitola to turn off to Hurricane Hall and Herbert Greyson to keep on the route to the town of Staunton. It was as the three sat in the parlor of the little hotel where the stage stopped to change horses that their adieus were made.

"You won't go up to town again; will you, uncle?" "I hardly know what to do. No, I think not. He talks of coming down here to Greshamsbury." "Who, Sir Louis?" "Yes, Sir Louis. Greyson says that he will be down as soon as he can get out of his room." "What! to this house?" "What other house can he come to?" "Oh, uncle! I hope not. Pray, pray do not let him come here."

Greyson spoke with an enthusiasm that was unusual to him. So many of our wars had been mean wars wars for the wrong; sordid wars for territory, for gold mines; wars against the weak at the bidding of our traders, our financiers. "Shouldering the white man's burden," we called it.

"It is fortunate our work cannot rise up to reproach us for the wide difference between our intents and our performances. Fancy one of my statues taking me to task because it hasn't the glory it had in my brain." "It is on that account," Mrs. Greyson said smiling, "that I fancy Galatea must have been most uncomfortable to live with.

Conning laughed good naturedly. "Oh! I'm on the mend, all right," he said. "Now as to that trap business," Jim took up the story, "I'll have to go back some and tell yo' about the Greysons and Jed Martin they all be linked like sassages. Pete Greyson lives up to Lone Dome. Pete came from stock; he ain't trash by a long come, but he can act like it!

And he frequently sent for Herbert Greyson in private to require assurances that he would not open the packet confided to him before the occurrence of the event specified. And Herbert always soothed the sufferer by reiterating his promise that so long as Colonel Le Noir should survive the seals of that packet should not be broken.