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She comprehended his extreme agitation upon a certain evening, years ago, when Herbert Greyson had mentioned Marah Rocke's name, and his later and more lasting disturbance upon accidentally meeting Marah Rocke at the Orphans' Court. This revelation filled her with strange and contradictory emotions.

It is my protest against the absurd and false way in which society regards marriage; in a word against marriage itself." Mrs. Greyson understood Arthur Fenton as well as any woman can understand a man who is her friend.

Miss Greyson was repairing a piece of old embroidery she had brought back with her from Italy; and Greyson sat smoking, with his hands behind his head, and his long legs stretched out towards the fire. "Carleton will want him to make his food policy include Tariff Reform," he said. "If he prove pliable, and is willing to throw over his free trade principles, all well and good."

Major Greyson immediately excused himself to his company, and repaired to the quarters of the dying man. He found Colonel Le Noir stretched upon his bed in a state of extreme exhaustion and attended by the surgeon and chaplain of his regiment. As Herbert advanced to the side of his bed, Le Noir stretched out his pale hand and said: "You bear no grudge against a dying man, Greyson?"

"You've brought happiness to three of us today, and in a way to 'Gem' and the kitten and the cat, too! Can we move today, grandfather?" Mr. Greyson, smiled down on his enthusiastic young granddaughter, with a shake of his head. "I must go up to the castle first, and make all arrangements with Miss Meredith.

His ancestors, who long ago had shielded the recreant great-aunt, were no keener than Peter now was to protect and preserve the honour of the little girl who, by her recent acts and Greyson had only Jed's words and the mountain talk to go by had aroused in him all that was fine enough to suffer.

Apparently nothing: yet, as the prisoner on leaving the court-room, raised his eyes to that friend, Herbert Greyson returned the look with a glance of more than encouragement of triumph. We must not make a scare-crow of the law, Setting it up to frighten birds of prey; And let it keep one shape till custom makes it, Their perch and not their terror.

"You will help?" she added, fixing on Joan her great, grave eyes. Joan promised, and the child went out. She looked pretty when she smiled. She closed the door behind her noiselessly. It occurred to Joan that she would like to talk matters over with Greyson. There was "Clorinda's" attitude to be decided upon; and she was interested to know what view he himself would take.

In amplitude, vigor, and fertility of thought we must think the author of the "Analogy" holds some slight advantages over the author of "The Eclipse of Faith"; and we seriously doubt if the lovers of Charles Lamb will be likely to rush into mirthful ecstasies over the humor of "The Greyson Letters."

But fo' she started forth Marg spilled every jug onto the wood pile. When I see the flames extry sparkling I know the reason!" Greyson chuckled, walking to and fro from table to pantry, with steady, almost dignified strides. "That's all right," Truedale hastened to say, "I'm rather inclined to agree with your daughter; and " raising the concoction Peter had evolved "this tea " "Coffee, sir."