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Vincent, and the Lords Sidmouth, Eldon, and Hawkesbury. The question being called for at four o'clock in the morning, it appeared that the personal votes and proxies in favour of Lord Grenville's motion amounted to one hundred, and those against it to thirty-six. Thus passed the first bill in England, which decreed, that the African Slave Trade should cease.

The history of "Grenville's Stamp Act" is adequately set forth by Grahame and Bancroft, whose respective accounts present its most important features and its fate in the hands of American patriots. The calamities of the French and Indian War had scarcely ended when the germ of another war was planted which soon grew up and produced deadly fruit.

With a people in this temper, there were only two things to be done; to meet their wishes, or to annihilate their opposition. It is possible that Grenville might have preferred to attempt the second alternative, but by this time Grenville's power was at an end. The friction between Grenville and the King was rapidly becoming unbearable to George, if not to his minister.

Wherefore my soul most joyfully departeth out of this body." ... And when he had said these and other suchlike words he gave up the ghost with a great and stout courage. Grenville's latest wish was that the Revenge and he should die together; and, though he knew it not, he had this wish fulfilled.

But for Englishmen This Statue raised from such motives Has not been erected in vain. They learn from it those dreadful abuses Which exist under the mockery Of a free Representation, And feel the deep necessity Of a great and efficient Reform. In Lord Grenville's ministry Lord Erskine became Lord Chancellor, and Lord Holland Lord Privy Seal.

"Besides the servants only five people slept in the house that night Lady Rusholm, her son, two elderly ladies cousins of Sir Grenville's who had come from Yorkshire for the funeral and a Mr. Thompson, a friend of the family who was staying in the house when Sir Grenville died." "Who closed the windows after the body was taken to the drawing-room?" asked Quarles. "One of the undertaker's men."

Nor was there any private friendship between the two statesmen. Grenville's nature was not forgiving; and he well remembered how, a few months before, he had been compelled to yield the lead of the House of Commons to Fox. We are inclined to think, on the whole, that the worst administration which has governed England since the Revolution was that of George Grenville.

This was a rather narrow basis on which to build the broad and weighty superstructure of the British Custom House; but it was not to be expected that Franklin should supply any better arguments upon that side of the question. It was obvious that Grenville's proposition might lead to two conclusions.

It may be called the first fruits of Mr. Grenville's act. At the end of the same year in which that statute had been passed, a select committee had sat to try the merits of a petition which complained of an undue return for the borough of New Shoreham.

The problem of colonial defense, so closely connected with the question of revenue, was none of Grenville's making but was a legacy of the war and of that Peace of Paris which had added an immense territory to the Empire.