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"There are four pin-heads in this camp," was Tom Reade's decision, when he heard the report brought back by the others. "Only two of us have brains enough to see anything that's written right on the face of the earth." "But what are we going to do about our man?" asked Greg. "That's what we must figure out," Dick replied.

Never mind how much our backs ache or our hands smart. Do you agree?" "I'll fight any fellow in the crowd who doesn't agree," announced Tom Reade. "You can't get up a fight with me on that score," retorted Greg. The others also quickly assented to Dave's plan. By and by the youngsters halted for half an hour to eat the luncheons they had brought with them. Then they went at their work again.

As soon as the band stopped the corps yell rose, with the names of Durville, Prescott and Holmes, and of Carter whose batting luck had played such a part in the eighth. But, by the time that the corps yell rose the Army nine was nearly off the field. "Listen to the good noise, old ramrod," glowed Greg.

"By which, I suppose, you mean that the length of the silence has not yet been decided upon." "It hasn't," Greg declared. "It was only after the biggest, swiftest and hardest kind of campaign, in fact, that the class was swung around to the silence. Only a bare majority were wheedled into voting for it.

"There's some, right now!" muttered Greg, jumping up. "Come along!" Bang! bang! bang! As they ran forward toward the door of the ice cream place the young men saw people fleeing in frantic haste along Main Street. Five or six of these fugitives darted into the ice cream place. As they did so, Chief of Police Simmons backed into the same doorway.

At the close of the high school course Dick Prescott and Greg Holmes secured appointments as cadets at the United States Military Academy at West Point. All that befell them there is duly set forth in the "West Point Series."

"And we've got to use the time we have to find some way to break for it." Johnny stood up, staring around the luxurious lounge. "If you want my opinion, it's going to take some pretty fancy footwork to get out of here with our skins." True to his word, Tawney had given them the freedom of the ship. Greg and Johnny discovered that their guard was also an excellent guide.

But when he was settled at the tiller and all of us were cosy with sweaters and coats, Jerry asked him again. "Why, you see," the Bottle Man said, "something had hit me very hard and for a long time all that I was able to do was to totter along on the two sticks." "But what hit you?" I asked. He dropped his voice, because Greg was actually asleep. "An inconsiderate shell," he said.

Had they been able to pursue this branch of study in the more leisurely and lenient way of the colleges, both young men might have stood well. As it was, after the first fortnight Greg went to the "goats," or the lowest section in mathematics, while Dick, not extremely better off, hung only in the section above the goat line. As the fall hops came on Greg went to about three out of every four.

The two centre poles were adjusted to the ridge-pole, and all three were pushed in under the canvas. "Up with her," called Dick. As the tent was raised, Tom and Greg were left holding the centre poles in place. With a sledge Dick drove a corner stake, and a guy-rope was made fast to it. One after another the remaining corner stakes were quickly driven and the ropes made fast.