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She tasted it, and added now a little salt, and now a little more, till she thought it was just to her mother's taste. "Oh! I must taste it," said Bab, taking the basin up greedily. "Won't you take a spoon?" said Susan, trembling at the large mouthfuls which Barbara sucked up with a terrible noise. "Take a spoonful, indeed!" exclaimed Barbara, setting down the basin in high anger.

The ground drank all the water with a thirsty mouth and the roots sucked it greedily out of the ground and leaves and flowers unfolded and stood erect and blithe on slender stalks. Then came the third day, with sunshine and a blue sky and life and merriment in the wood.

Reynolds paid no more attention to the bear than if it had been a gnat, but sprang greedily upon the fish, which was wriggling and beating itself around upon the ground. It was a young king-salmon, and although not large, Reynolds thought it the finest fish he had ever beheld.

As she drew the little roll of bills from her pocket, Will reached out eagerly, and, seizing it from her, counted it greedily in her presence. "Well, you're a downright brick, Maria," he remarked, as he thrust it hastily into his shirt.

Under the date "5" was entered: Mitya was naughty at table. Papa said he was to have no pudding. He had none, but looked so unhappily and greedily at the others while they were eating! I think that punishment by depriving children of sweets only develops their greediness. Must tell Nicholas this. Nicholas put down the book and looked at his wife.

They are talking such a lot of wild stuff... you simply can't imagine what men will say! Though why shouldn't you imagine? Don't we talk nonsense ourselves? And let them... that's the way to learn not to!... Wait a minute, I'll fetch Zossimov." Zossimov pounced upon Raskolnikov almost greedily; he showed a special interest in him; soon his face brightened.

Aurelia used to tell me all she had said next morning. The end of this may be guessed. Privilege after privilege was carelessly accorded by Aurelia, and greedily possessed by me.

Rachel made her hands into a cup, for she had no other, and held water to Anna's lips, which she drank greedily, emptying them many times. "For this refreshment, God be praised. What said you? The daughter of Benoni a Christian! Well, even here and now, for that God be praised also.

After an hour's watching, the cow came cautiously down the brook. She stopped short at sight of the floating log; watched it steadily for two or three minutes, wigwagging her ears; then began to feed greedily on the lily pads that fringed all the shore.

The Spaniard never more greedily desired gold than he victual, nor his soldiers more to abandon the country than he to keep it.