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He had, when a young man, been body-servant to his young master George, your great-grandfather's brother. I never in my life have seen finer manners than Joe's, so deeply respectful, and so full of courtesy.

However, I ought not to think so harshly of the child, for I have no cause to consider her calculating and selfish. Poor thing! if she really cares for him there are breakers ahead of her, for I am sure that he is as far from falling in love with her as I would be with the ghost of my great-grandfather's uncle.

He pointed to the top of the last page, or rather the last half of the cover. I read as follows: 'MARRIAGES, 1748. 'I don't know the name of Daryll, I said. 'It was your own great-grandfather's name, he returned. 'I happen to know that much. 'You knew this was here, Mr Coningham, I said. 'That is why you brought me here. 'You are right. I did know it.

The names of your great-grandfather's plantations were Conacanarra, Feltons, Looking Glass, Montrose, Polenta, and Barrows, besides a large body of land in the counties of Jones and Hyde.

My dear father would not have dreamed of urging on me a marriage against my inclinations, but he would have preferred a lady with some fortune as his daughter-in-law. "Our family is an old one, my dear boy," he said, "but the estate is much smaller than it was in my great-grandfather's time.

He knew as yet nothing about his great-grandfather, who had died a dozen years before his own birth: he took for granted that any great-grandfather of his must have always been good, and his enemies wicked; but he divined his great-grandfather's character from his own.

Far up, near the end of the line, there was an old one-story frame roadhouse, that had been there in my father's time, in my grandfather's time, in my great-grandfather's time. Mulligan knew it well, and many the time, when he came out of it, he was swaying slightly, and had to pull himself up to the box by means of the seat rails.

Pikes which, perhaps, had been handled by Miles Standish's soldiers, now made their appearance again. Many a young man ransacked the garret and brought forth his great-grandfather's sword, corroded with rust and stained with the blood of King Philip's War.

How he finds my great-grandfather's great-grandfather, Etienne de La Motte who came to Canada two hundred years ago, a younger son of the Marquis de la Luciere. How he has the papers, many of them, with red seals on them. I saw them. 'Of course, says he, 'there are others of the family here to share the property. It must be divided. But it is large enormous millions of francs.

Traquair, stroking his white mustache, "tell me what it all means." "It means that Colland McTavish, who was my great-grandfather's elder brother, has returned in the person of the young gentleman at the Arms." "A fine hornpipe he'll have to prove it," said Mr. Traquair. "Fine fiddlesticks!" said The McTavish.