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"Please stop and be friends. And oh, please, please don't give Mary's Meadow away. You mustn't punish yourself. There's nothing to punish yourself for. I forgive you with all my heart, and I'm sorry I spoke crossly. I have been so very miserable, and I was so vexed at wasting the hose-in-hose, because Bessy's great-aunt gave them to me, and I've none left.

"There was a lady here to tea," said Felicity miserably, "but we thought it was Great-aunt Eliza she never SAID she wasn't I thought she acted queer and we all yelled at her as if she was deaf and said things to each other about her nose and Pat running over her clothes " "She must have heard all you said while I was showing her the photographs, Dan," cried Cecily.

"Ah, that would be telling," said Beth, and recommenced gobbling her pudding, to the intense relief of some of the party. Great-Aunt Victoria Bench, sitting upright opposite, looked across the table at the child, and a faint smile flickered over her wrinkled rose-leaf cheek.

"'Lemon held by Timothy Marden in his hand just before he died. Aunt Luceba," said Isabel, turning with a swift impulse, "I think aunt Eliza was a horror!" "Don't you say it, if you do think it," said her aunt, sinking into a chair and rocking vigorously. "Le's git through with it as quick 's we can. Ain't that a bandbox? Yes, that's great-aunt Isabel's leghorn bunnit.

To-day I know that justice was on her side. But in that first adolescent self-consciousness my sympathies were all with father. Mother had neglected us she had not taught us to use table napkins! Becky Sharp used them. People in history used them. I felt sure that Great-Aunt Martha would have been horrified, even in heaven, to learn I had never even seen a table napkin.

Soddle, this occurrence inspired an active dislike to great-aunt Maud who had indulged in her ever-irritating laugh at his expense. He expressed his natural anger by filling her handkerchief-case with bacon fat, and other boyish revenges of a like nature.

"Is she accomplished?" began Rose in a wondering tone, for this great-aunt of hers had seemed the least cultivated of them all. "In the good old-fashioned way she is very accomplished, and has made this house a happy home to us all, ever since we can remember. She is not elegant, but genuinely good, and so beloved and respected that there will be universal mourning for her when her place is empty.

He was very genial, praising the tree, laughing, shouting in the ears of the great-aunt. But no one responded. As so frequently happens in Russia the atmosphere was suddenly changed. No one had anything to say. The candles on the tree were blown out. Of course, the evening was not nearly ended.

So, too, did Ophelia Beebe's great-aunt Samona, who had "passed over" some time in the 'fifties. Aunt Samona was joyful oh, so joyful. Miss Black's name was called. "Tamson!" croaked Little Cherry Blossom. "Some one heree wantee Tamson." Miss Black uttered an exclamation of startled surprise. "Good gracious me!" she cried. "Who is it?"

Yet she knew if she gave up her wages to Pap she would be no better off indeed, she would be helpless in his hands; and the sum of them would not cover what the children all together could earn. "Oh, Lord! To work in the Victory!" she groaned. "Now, Johnnie," objected her mother, "don't you get meddlesome just because you're a old maid. Your great-aunt Betsy was meddlesome disposed that-a-way.