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"If what Monsieur says is true," he exclaimed to the Honorable, throwing out his clenched hand, "if these letters are found upon those notes, then I understand it. I can prove that this infernal, greasy, treacherous devil, be he friend or traitor, or whatever he chooses to be, to the Bleu party or myself, committed that despicable larceny and has wronged that poor young man.

The great light was very close. I could see the cars behind it and hear the grind of brakes, while a man was bent double over a lever where the blaze of our head-lamp ran along the ground. The engine rocked beneath us; there was a heavy lurch as the fore-wheels struck the points; then Robertson laughed exultantly and wiped his greasy face.

You ought to have seen that boy try to climb the greasy pole just now. He put sand all over his pants to make 'em rough, but he could only go so high, and there he stopped, unable to budge a hair's-breadth. He hung to it for a minute, as red as blood in the face, and then begun to slide down as slow as the hour-hand of a clock till he sat flat on the ground." "I fetched Mr.

The men in a clean whale-ship are never happy. When everything is filthy, and dirty, and greasy, and smoky, and black decks, rigging, clothes, and person it is then that the hearty laugh and jest and song are heard as the crew work busily, night and day, at their rough but profitable labour.

You see, we're the first off the Banks this season, and it's four twenty-five a quintal. We held out till he paid it. They want it quick." "You mean you'll have to work to-morrow, then?" "I told Troop I would. I'm on the scales. I've brought the tallies with me." He looked at the greasy notebook with an air of importance that made his father choke.

A slight smile and a pleasant gleam lighted up his dark countenance as he wiped his greasy right hand on his legging and extended it, exclaiming, "watchee!" by which he meant, what cheer? "What cheer? what cheer?" replied Reuben, with a broad but quiet grin, as he shook his friend's hand heartily.

Quickly my disguise as Sir Aubrey Belston, which I still wore wig, moustache and eyebrows, whiskers and beard was removed. Hurriedly my face and neck were rubbed all over with a sponge soaked in some greasy liquid smelling strongly of turpentine, then rapidly dried with a cloth.

He found that worthy looking as benevolently greasy as ever, and ready to offer him all the resources of his larder. "I thought I'd come and get my tea now, cook, I've got to go out on patrol at sundown. I'm afraid I'm a beastly nuisance." "Nuisance? No, o' course not. I ain't one o' them blokes as grumble cause a feller's 'ungry. Wot d'yer say to a bit o' cold meat and some tea to start with?"

To Leighton, who had had the run of every grade of greasy, professional dressing-room, chaotic and slovenly beyond description, and of boudoirs, professional and otherwise, each in its appropriate measure a mirror of the character of its occupant, the detachment of this big room came as a shock.

As they grow up toward the surface from the bottom, they become flatter and flatter, and drier, until the outer surface layer becomes thin, fine, dry, slightly greasy scales, like fish-scales, of about the thickness of the very finest and driest bran. We are continually Shedding our Skin.