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Do you think," he sneered, "that a handful of greasers can defy the United States?" "Perchance, with so important an official as the great Alcalde Bartlett for your hostage, we can reach a compromise on certain points," said Sanchez. "Come, you shall suffer no hardship, if you accept the situation reasonably." "I warn you that this means death or imprisonment to all of you," Bartlett shouted.

Somebody hed sent off to Douglas fer a doctor, but be hedn't come yet. I've hed some experience with gunshot wounds, an' I looked this feller over. He wasn't shot up much, but I thought there was danger of blood-poison-in'. Anyway, I did all I could. "The hall was full of cowboys, ranchers, Greasers, miners, an' town folks, along with some strangers.

Four or five years ago Beasley rode some greasers off their farms an' no one ever knowed if he had a just claim." "Beasley has no claim on my property. My uncle solemnly swore that on his death-bed. And I find nothing in his books or papers of those years when he employed Beasley. In fact, Beasley was never uncle's partner.

The Greasers rode fast, endeavoring to cut off Bud and his party, but the latter reached the haven of rocks first, and with the horses on their sides, positions the steeds were glad enough to assume, doubtless, the advantage was on the side of the boy ranchers. They were protected by rocks, from behind which they could fire, while the enemy was in the open.

"Whew!" whistled Nort. "It does look that way. What we going to do, Dick?" The two brothers were behind a great boulder, off to one side. Bud and some of the cowboys were replying to a brisk fire on the part of the besieging Greasers. For a moment, after having tied the bandage on his hand, Dick did not answer.

"Had 'em pastured in the hills," answers Geronimo. "I can't take all those hosses with me; I believe they're stolen!" says the General. "My people cannot go without their hosses," says Geronimo. So, across the line they goes, and back to the reservation. In about a week there's fifty-two frantic Greasers wanting to know where's their hosses.

If it wasn't for Stewart, who's had Greasers with the cattle, I don't know what I'd do." "Why all this sudden illness and idleness?" asked Madeline. "Wal, you see, the truth is every blamed cowboy on the range except Stewart thinks it's his bounden duty to entertain the ladies." "I think that is just fine!" exclaimed Dorothy Coombs; and she joined in the general laugh.

"'This Bill Tate an' me breaks camp on them Greasers together while they're tankin' up on mescal, mebby it's two days later; an' they never gets their lariats on us no more. ""You ain't got no dates, nor speshul engagements with nobody in the States, have you?" says Tate to me when we're safe outen them Mexican's hands. ""No,"says I,"whatever makes you ask?

"May I say a word to the captain?" "Certainly, Pike; say on." "I was watching Manuelito, sir, while the captain was talking with Sieber. Them greasers are a bad lot, sir one and all. There isn't one of 'em I'd trust as far as I could sling a bull by the tail.

And in between times, when the two of 'em the Greasers and the civilizers wasn't taking the change out of each other, they both of 'em took it out of anybody who happened to come along. Yes, sirree! in them days things was a good deal at loose ends in the Territory.